An Easter Hallelujah - The Power That Raised Christ Will Raise Us

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Happy Easter everyone, this song an easter hallelujah is a very nice song sang by two siblings, Cassandra Star and her sister Callahan.
    Today I'm very grateful to God that he has kept each and everyone of us alive to witness this day, it is really amazing and to me it is a testimony when I think about all that I've been through, both the health challenges and difficulty in many areas especially within this harsh period not many will understand but to me its really a testimony. There are times when it feels like I won't be able to witness another day because of Ill health, I took a lot of drugs and really got tires of taking drug but in the midst of all this problems, I never stopped praying and believing in God. I can't die at young age without fulfilling my destiny, it's not the promise of God, for God's blessings maketh rich and adds no sorrow and I stand firmly on his promises and I truly believe his words.

    Source: YouTube

    Today is Easter Sunday, I went to church today. I know many of us will be blessed through God's word.
    Easter celebration here wasn't like we used to experience because truly there's nothing much to celebrate with as we are planning to lay my deceased beloved grandmother down to rest on the 10th of April next month.

    We've been really managing to put things together for her burial ceremony according to our custom. A lot of friends and families will be coming and we all have to make provisions for them, were they will stay and what they will eat. My grandmother is a well known woman popularly known because of her charity and good manners, she was really a good woman who prays consistently for me and the rest of her children's children who are also my cousins.

    God truly blessed her a lot because she has lived to see her children's children children according to the scriptures. Some of my cousins have given birth to grown up children who may soon be getting married soon. On Easter seasons like this, my grandmother will be calling each of us by our names as she blesses us and prays for God's guidance upon us and she use to cook special meals for us. I really love that about my grandmother but I love her more because she's not the type of woman that will bless you with just her lips but she is also good in giving out to people. Not only to us that are related to her but to others around her.

    Through her I came to really believe that God truly exists, a lot of things have really tried to make my faith swerve in God but when I reflect on the stories I've heard in the past about my grandmother when I was growing up and the ones that I witnessed myself from the way she was living her life and the happenings around her, I knew that God is alive and exists. One of the things that made me believe was for the many times she was at the point of death many years ago, she refused to meet any spiritualist that is of native doctor or has anything to do with shrine or graven image after medical doctor could see improvement in her health challenges.

    She accepted only to be taken to church and for the many times she was taken to church she got perfectly healed and returned home. My granny was a true woman of faith and a great inspiration to me and my cousins. She lived in the midst of people who possess spiritual powers and practice them in evil ways, most of them use their powers against my grandmother because her husband died very early that even my mom said she didn't even know her father as a child, so my grandmother was left with acres of land as they were farmers and nine little children to care for alone.

    As the story goes, her husband's relatives, the men among them use to come to persuade my grandmother to have sexual relationship with them even though they were married with kids but according to grandma always turn them down. she decided to keep herself clean without defying herself before God with those coming and she believed the word of God in the Bible that says “God is the husband of the windows that keep themselves pure before him” it wasn't easy for her to feed her family of nine children but she refused to remarry, she worked as a hired laborer, she worked as a cook, she multitasked to feed her children, later she sent some to trusted relatives to live with to reduce her burden. But I'm grateful to God her children all later became great men and women in that those who were once insulting my grandma later came to seek favor from her and her children after things changed for good. She later lost three of her children to death while she was still alive, granny really suffered a lot.

    Those who want to fostrate her to have sexual relationship with them when her husband newly died even started to find means of acquiring the lands my granny was left with by her husband, some even used diabolical powers to try and kill her as a means that can be used and their won't be evidence of anyone to be hold responsible for her death but granny told me many years ago, those my wicked uncles later died one after another, as for her, she kept on praying and enduring as she was believing in God until everything changed.

    One thing I was surprised concerning my grandma is the way she gives out gifts to people that don't have. One day grandma shared one big bag of beans my uncle sent to her, the bag of beans has not been carried into the house, she shared the whole bag of beans there till nothing was left. According to her she said she has felt the pain of not having anything at all and she knows how terrible it feels for other mothers who are currently in that state of life.

    She doesn't want to see any woman cry for anything in her presence, even though she don't have much but she still shares the little she have in such a way you'll be amazed at the kind of heart she has for giving and she gives without any hope of getting back from anyone sooner or later.
    There's a lot of things I could write about my grandmother but I would love to stop here for now, i just don't know the heart I will use to withstand seeing my lovely grandmother buried inside the ground but I trust God, we will someday meet in heaven.
    Link to Lyrics

    Happy Easter everyone and thank you very much for taking your time to read my post, I wish you success and heaven at last if you believe.

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