A Prank, a Reunion, and a Promise

in voilk •  5 months ago

    “Harry!” Nic shouted with a sense of urgency.

    “What!?” he exclaimed.

    “She isn’t breathing anymore!”

    “What?” Harry exclaimed!!

    “What do you mean she isn’t breathing anymore? She was just munching on a chicken drumstick a few seconds ago!” Harry rushed out the words as he descended the stairs.

    He rushed to Sarah who was lying lifeless on the ground with his breath almost ceasing out of fear.

    “Sarah,” Harry called as he shook her cheeks to wake her but she wouldn’t budge.

    “Let me get the car keys,” Nic said as he rushed away.
    This image

    As Harry panicked, breathing heavily, a loud burp from nowhere erupted from the depth of his throat and Sarah who was lying on the ground couldn’t help but burst out in hysterical laughter.


    “Sarah, what the hell??!” Harry exclaimed, standing.

    “Harry, I can’t find the car ke…” Nic paused before furrowing his eyebrows and walking closer to them. “Aside from owning the best business brand, you can also raise the dead?” Nic asked rather seriously than a joke but Sarah took it for the later as she couldn’t stop herself from laughing even more.

    “This is crazy. So crazy and I doubt if it's as funny as you think it is,” Harry said, ruffling his hair angrily.

    “I’m so sorry guys. It has just been so long you two cared so much for your younger sis. Especially you, Harry. You’d rather sit on a call the whole day with that client of yours than even look at me twice!”

    “What’s she got to do with your annoying act?”

    “She has a point though. You don’t really care anymore,” Nic incorporated.

    “You too, Nic? You know that’s not true. You two are literally the only family I have got. I just get this weird connection with Julie that I have never had with anyone, even though we’ve never met,”

    “Makes it more annoying. We’ve been together since childhood, we’re literally siblings, Harry!” Sarah was beginning to yell now and Nic was now exchanging stares between the two.

    “That doesn't justify you playing dead!!” Harry yelled back.

    “It doesn't!” Nic said in an undertone.

    “Did you see how scared we were? What the hell are you on about??!” Harry was cut off from his words when his phone rang and he checked the caller to be Julie.

    Harry looked up from his phone screen at Sarah’s face which had turned red from pure anger.

    “I don’t like Julie,” she yelled before running up the stairs.

    “I like her though,” Nic whispered and Harry smiled before patting his shoulder and stepping out of the house.


    “You sound so bright,” Julie said, smiling.

    “Uhmm, that would be against the uproar that just happened now,”

    “What's going on?” Julie asked as she walked to the kitchen with a bowl of broccoli and chicken breast.

    “Where are you headed?” Harry asked instead.

    “Forgot to add ketchup on my chicken since I have no ranch. So I asked, what happened?” she repeated.

    “It's nothing that serious,”


    “It’s been how many years now?” Harry asked out of the blue and Julie furrowed her eyebrow as she licked the ketchup off her thumb and index finger.


    “I mean, it's been how years now since we’ve been doing business together, speaking on the phone endlessly and confiding in each other without ever meeting?” she reframed the question.

    “Harry,” she called.

    “It’s been two years, Julie. Two years. I mean, we live in the same city. I have no idea why you wouldn’t want to meet with me,”

    “Let’s meet tomorrow. Tomorrow, Harry. At your favorite spot here in Texas. The one you always speak about,”

    “Hold on, you are saying this because I mentioned it this night?”

    “I am saying this because that was why I called in the first place,” she scrunched her nose and rolled her eyes.

    “Really? You’re are not playing pranks on me as well?”

    “What do you mean as well?” she chuckled.

    “Oh, you wouldn’t understand, Julie. I’ve just had enough pranks for the night,”

    “I’m being serious right now. I have sorted out everything I needed to and now, we can see,”

    “You have made me the happiest man right now,”

    “Not when your mum got you a bicycle?”

    “Oh, come on. That was years ago,”

    “But it made you happy,”

    “I’m happier,” he ascertained and Julie grinned broadly.

    “See you tomorrow, Harry,”

    “See you tomorrow, Julie,”

    She was dressed in the most fashionable outfit she could find in her closet with stilettos making the clinking sound on the tiled floor and her glistering red lips. She had her dark shade perched on the bridge of her nose, her red purse perched to her side and her overall jacket hanging on her shoulders.

    As she walked deeper into the diner, she sighted a man who looked closely like the picture of Harry that she had seen. She walked toward him and as soon as Harry realized this, he stood to his feet with his mouth slightly opened, marveling at the pulchritudinous lady walking toward him.

    As he got to his table, she swayed her hair to the side before taking her shade off and then spoke.

    “Are you Harry?” she asked with a soft smile perched on her lips.

    “I would be anything you want me to be,” Harry replied to her.

    Posted using Neoxian City

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