"Walking Near the Lakes of Baselga di Pinè!"

in voilk •  2 months ago


    Hello, dear friends,

    These days, for work-related reasons, I find myself in Trentino-Alto Adige. I have to meet quite a few clients, so I'm not heading back home but staying in accommodations that my company has booked. I find this quite interesting because it gives me the opportunity to stay in new places that I might never have visited otherwise. So, in my upcoming posts, I'll probably be talking much less about Tuscany and more about other places around Italy.


    Just yesterday, I was in Baselga di Pinè, a fairly famous tourist spot in Trentino-Alto Adige. I'd heard about it from a friend of mine who often comes here to ski, as there's a ski resort in the area.
    During the time I had to relax, after meeting with a client, I took a leisurely walk, which is just what I needed after a heavy workday. I went to Lake Serraia and Lake delle Piazze, which are two lakes near this town. There's a convenient trail that makes the walk quite pleasant, so I took some photos to share with you here.



    The first thing that struck me was that spring is quite delayed here. In fact, it even snowed a few days ago, so it's still quite chilly, and I noticed that the nature around the lake is still in its winter state.

    Of course, since it was a workday, there was practically no one around. But I can only imagine how many people might stroll around this lake on Sundays or during holidays. From the information I found online, these lakes are swimmable in the summer, and they even create beaches around here where people can swim, although I can imagine that the water is freezing even in the summer.

    And in the summer, there's also a boat service that lets you navigate the lake—not large boats, as far as I understood, but ones that can hold up to 22 people.



    From what I've gathered, it takes about three hours to walk around the lakes. I only did part of the trail, and along the way, I noticed some wooden sculptures, which is quite a common practice—placing these sculptures along trails. I’ve seen this in Trentino before, and I think it's a nice touch, although there's always a risk that they might get vandalized in Italy.





    As I continued my walk, I also came across what I believe is a horse farm. However, I also heard that you need to be a bit careful in this area because you might run into bears. In fact, as the owner of the hotel where I was staying told me, bear attacks on humans have increased recently, so you need to be a bit cautious.
    Still, there's nothing better than taking a walk in these natural settings; it's truly a tonic for the mind and body.

    I hope you enjoyed the photos I took and shared with you here. It’s a pleasure to bring you new places that I'm discovering for the first time as well. See you in my next post, and I wish you all a great day!

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