Ferocity Ruleset with "Human" player or "Scripted" Player????!!!!

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Black Classic The Dark Places Youtube Thumbnail.gif

    Heyyy yooooo
    what's up Splinter Player around the world how are you doing? I want to share my battle using one of my own account that playing in Gold Modern. In this battle i want to share that i often encountered with this player. And you know what maybe 80% battling this opponent make me lose. Okay before i judging that this opponent using cheat or else. For your information. I am one of the best player in brawl and kinda met this opponent often too in brawl and guess what. Maybe 90% i win battling this opponent in brawl. But, when talking about ranked. I lost too much to this player. I dont know why. My opinion is usually player will all out in brawl than ranked. Since brawl carrying our names and our guild names. But this opponent lose so much in brawl but not in ranked. Thats why i judging that this opponent using cheat in ranked mode. He/She we just called He to make easier. He often countered all my strategy in ranked mode. Even though sometimes i just make random arrangement since i played so many games at the time. But, whats weird is he still countered my strategy not based on the ruleset. Thats very odd huh.

    And guess what. Not only him that i seeing like that. Some player using same pattern too. Also what worst is the algorithm is like support the opponent. Thats very weird. I dont know that the RNG can be scripted or not. But since the battle is program i think is not too hard to break the code. And whats great many player discussing this in discord but it is like not responded well.

    So lets see how this battle going



    Okay since you guys know that the ruleset is Broken Arrows lets knowing this ruleset a little bit deeper.This ruleset description is

    All units have the Fury ability.
    Think carefully before including a unit with Taunt in your lineup as they will take double damage from units with Fury.

    So basically we just need to avoid bringing any taunt monster in our arrangement team line up. Because if we are bringing any taunt monster it will get double damage taken. And that will ruined what we are all planning right. Thats why just bringing monster without taunt ability.


    Strategy Phase

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    As you can see in the picture above this battle have 3 ruleset .The first ruleset is Lost Magic that means both players cannot bringing any magic type monster into the battlefield. The second ruleset is Briar Patch that means all monster will having thorns ability,so it will make melee type attack monster need to be carefull to attack or if you having wrong decision it will be suicide for the melee type attack monster. And the last but not least is Ferocity that means all monster will be having fury ability and if we are bringing any taunt ability monster this monster will get doubled damage. And it can be very fatal to our team. The manacap that can be used in this battle is 37 mana which is below average. And the element that cannot be used this time is Water and Life Element. In this battle i am deciding using Death element combined with Astral Entity as summoner because when the ruleset not using magic Astral is pretty good and usefull.So, this is my strategy in the table below

    Summoner-2 Armor Dodge Ability Resurrect AbilityI am using this summoner because this summoner is pretty good when dealing with melee monster and range monster. Giving debuff 2 armor for opponent will make my team monster can shorten the time to give direct hit to opponent health. Also this monster give to all my entire team dodge ability that make my entire team have 20% chance to dodge the melee and range attack. And if one of my team monster die this summoner can resurrect once and bring the died monster back to life.
    Frontline Tanker I am bringing and placing this monster as frontline tanker because this monster having heal ability that can make this monster can holding some damage and get healed again. The thorns ability can make opponent that using melee type attack get backdamage after hitting this monster. And the last the important one is Slow ability. Since all my team got dodge ability from Astral Entity, the diffferent of the speed can make my team will be superior than opponent and that will increase opponent chance to missing attacking my team. But, back again. RNG can be scripted and can be super cheating. Hopefully my calculation is true not get cheated.
    Second Tanker I am bringing this monster because this monster is pretty usefull in this ruleset because when Lost Magic Ruleset comes, it will make both player will utilize the range monster right. And this monster having Headwind ability that can make opponent losing 1 range attack and also this monster having Slow ability that can make opponent losing speed again. And that means it will make my team will having high chance to dodge opponent attack. Also this monster have return fire ability that if this monster going front and get hit by range monster it will counter the attacker
    BuffI am bringing this monster because i think my team still need additional Armor thats why i bringing Ravenhood Warden that having protect ability. The armor will make my team defence increase and make higher chance to win this battle.
    AttackerI think i need to bringing poison gameplay, just in case if the opponent having looping repair armor gameplay. Thats why i am bringing Soul Strangler in my team. Also this monster having high range damage too.
    Debuff Support I am bringing Weirding Warrior just in case if opponent frontliner having high armor, this monster will shattering the armor with shatter ability. Also if the opponent line up team still having armor left after got defbuffed by my Astral Entity, this monster can debuffing again the armor with rust ability. And since the ruleset is Briar Patch that giving all monster thorns ability. So, i think bringing this monster is very good since having amplify ability that can buff the backfire damage.
    Attacker I need attacker in my team thats why i am bringing Lira The Dark in my team, this monster will hunting down the lowest health monster first. Also this monster having Swiftness ability that adding my team line up additional speed. And thats pretty good it will make high speed different with opponent line up.

    So, this is my my line up. i think my line up is not bad at all. Also i am matching with the ruleset and countering if opponent bring any melee or range attack. Hopefully i can win this battle.



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    Okay as i mentioned above. I often encountered with this player Reynelie01 i dont know this player is human or bot or human with cheat. But often i got beated by this player in ranked. But, it contrary when in brawl. Okay, i know why he using Quix as summoner to reduce any range monster in my side. I dont know coincedence or scripted. Whereas i still can using melee monster right. It is okay since my team still having dodge ability. I think my team still can win this battle.

    Round 1

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    In round 1 as usual both parties got buff and debuff from both summoners and monsters.
    In this battle my team got

    • 2 Speed Debuff from opponent Summoner Quix and Queen of Crows ability Slow
    • 3 Range Attack Debuff from opponent Summoner Quix, Queen of Crows and Riftwing Ability Headwind.
    • My entire team got Dodge ability.
    • 1 Speed Buff from my Lira The Darkness ability Swiftness.
    • 2 Armor buff from my Ravenhood Warden ability Protect.

    In opponent Team got

    • 2 Speed Debuff from my Cursed Windeku and Queen of Crows ability Slow
    • 1 Range Attack Debuff from my Queen of Crows ability Headwind
    • 4 Armor Debuff from my Summoner Astral Entity and Weirding Warrior ability Rust.
    • 3 Speed Buff from opponent Lira The Darkness, Naga Assassins,Speed Runner ability Swiftness.
    • 1 Health Buff from opponent Supply Runner ability Strengthen.

    Okay after looking opponent line up. I can say that really this opponent countering all my strategy. I am playing Speed and Dodging based on RNG play. But look, he is playing speed to and bringing 3 monster that having swiftness ability. How come he knows that i am bringing 2 slow monster? Thats really weird. And also make range monster until just 1 range damage with headwind? Thas very odd. Ahh yes. If the RNG is right the opponent will be very hard to attacking my team line up. Since my team line up still having dodge ability. After buff and debuff, the battle started. And in this round my team can defeated opponent Ever Hungry Skull. But, then here we are, Riftwing is untouchable all my monster left cannot touching Riftwing at all. Odd? Of course yes. How come flying is better than dodge ability?Since both ability giving just 20% chance to dodge any melee and range attack.

    Round 2

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    In round 2, i think the RNG still okay that 40% of the opponent missing attacking my line up. But yeah beside Lira that cna hit the lowest monster Naga Assassins, Just my Soul Strangler and Cursed Windeku that hitting Riftwing. And you know what. The Poison did not comes out man. Yeah, i know it since looking the line up. My team ended up by the backfire from riftwing. I know it for sure. And in this round my Ravenhood Warden got defeated by the backfire. And get resurrected by Astral Entity and make my entire team got 2 additional armor again.

    Round 3

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    Okay yeah after looking in this round i am skip the result, but for you guys i will repeat and writting all the battle. Maybe not to much detailed. Since yeah i am very suspecting that he is cheater player i think.
    In this round all opponent line up never missing attacking my frontline tanker. And yet my team only Lira The Dark that attacking Naga Assassins hit and Weirding Warrior that hit. All of the rest missing attack and get backfired damage from Riftwing.As i said before.I know that my team will losing by only Riftwing. Because the only monster that can be scripted is Riftwing since Riftwing having flying ability and yeah i can make assure that if riftwing died. And if my team line up can defeated riftwing, i think it will be easy to defeated opponent line up until Naga Assasins going front and died due the backfire ability again. Yeah the sccript RNG is like that. i can read that. Thats why i skipped the battle. Also in this round my Ravenhodd Warden Died because of the backfire ability.

    Round 4

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    In round 4 my Weirding Warrior died with opponent Lira attack. And you know what the dodge ability is pretty useless in this battle. Since in this round opponent never miss again. No one miss. In contrary this time my team that hit is just Lira and Soul Strangler. And guess what the poison never come out. Sucks Right? Imagine that it is scripted. If only soul strangler gives poison from round 1 i think i can win this battle.

    Round 5

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    In round 5, my Cursed Windeku cannot withstand the damage from opponent line up and die. Weird i think 3 round the opponent never miss any attack. So, Dodge did not effect at all?
    Only Flying that make effect?
    ohh i dont think soo because i am using flying too with many flying monster and yeah opponent still can hit my flying monster especially this player name.Even after Riftwing got snare by my Lira, still my Soul Strangler missing attacking Riftwing. Yeah people will said the speed different is very high.. Hell NAH!! i have proof that i am using flying and my speed faster but opponent never missing attacking my monster. Coincedence? Thats very bullshit!!

    Round 6

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    In round 6 my Queen of Crows substituting as a frontline. But looking the rest of my team i know that my team cannot defeated opponent line up. But in this round my team can defeat opponent Riftwing.

    Round 7

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    In this round seems my team can defeated opponent Naga Assassins, But look at my team. With just low health and just 2 monster only. I think this round will be the end. Since no missing attack again from opponent side even though my team having dodge ability.

    Round 8

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    In round 8 my Queen of Crows finally defeated. If only the Dodge working properly maybe i can still win this game. And you know what i testing challenge my other account with using the same line up. And yeah my team won. Dodge working properly. So, what dou you think?? Adding more that in challenge the poison working properly too. 3 of 5 battle working properly.

    Round 9

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    Finally in round 9 my Lira got defeated. Yeah in this battle seems that dodge not working at all. The RNG is so fucking good.
    I think dev should working more fair to human player not to cheated one.

    If you want to look it in video you can watch in there and dont forget to subscribe like and share the video

    or if this video cannot be played you can watch in game battle in link bellow

    Ferocity Ruleset with "Human" player or "Scripted" Player????!!!!



    Okay my conclution is if the dev said that they cleaning all the bot and cheater is very bullshit. They are anywhere especially in Gold League monder format right now. Many player having same pattern cheating like that. Than i think i know too why now league restriction is prohibitted, Maybe it just the dev that protected this cheater player since they are giving more money to dev than any other player that doubting to invest in this game like me that still renting the cards. Since everytime i am missing one element to be rented or i am not renting on purpose, then the algorithm of the battle is just make advantage for the element that i am not rented. Thats fair?? Of course not. So how can usual player like me growing??
    Or the dev on purpose kicking player like me?
    In order to protect the player that invest and forcefully to make the player invest and buy the NFT??
    If the dev like that just said that openly. This is decentralized man be gentle. I can understand it.Not using this way that make me uncomfortable playing at all.


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    Thank you too for @arcange and all splinterlands curator that support by voting almost my content and hopefully support this one too
    The wonderful divider by @kyo-gaming
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    All images taken from Splinterlands website

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