How my relationship ended over a silly word.

in voilk •  2 months ago

    My relationship with Cynthia (my ex) was a treasured part of my life. We had been inseparable even though the relationship didnt last. sharing every secret, laughter, and adventure together. We supported each other through thick and thin, and I thought our bond was unbreakable.

    But everything changed when Cynthia got pregnant. At first, I was thrilled for her, and we continued to hang out and talk regularly. However, as her pregnancy progressed, I began to pull away. I would cancel plans at the last minute, barely respond to her messages, and seem distant when we did meet up. She understood that my new nonchalant attitude to some extent actually required adjustments, because she was already losing me.

    She would criticize me for going out with other friends. At some point I felt like she was judging me for not prioritizing her and her pregnancy above everything else. I tried to explain that I needed my own space to process the whole thing because the pregnancy wasn't for me, but she didn't seem to understand.

    These small issues accumulated, and we started to grow apart. We would argue over little things. It felt like we were competing for attention and validation. She tried to reach out and talk things through, but my interest on her was nowhere to be found.

    One day, we were talking and she said, 'Jesus, I want to die.' I responded, 'If you die, you won't be the first person to have died. it felt like a symbol of our deeper issues. We both said things we didn't mean, and the conversation ended with hurt feelings and unresolved tension.

    After that, we slowly pathed ways. We stopped making an effort to meet up or talk regularly. It was a difficult and painful process, like watching a plant wither away from neglect.

    Few months after she gave birth, I tried every possible best for us to get back together, but all to no avail. I reached out to her several times, suggesting we meet up and talk things through, but she never responded. I even sent her messages apologizing for my part in our arguments, but she never acknowledged them.

    Looking back, I realize we both made mistakes and let little issues come between us. If I could go back, I would try to be more understanding and supportive to her during the cause of her pregnancy, even if it meant sacrificing my time for her.

    In the end, our relationship ended for reasons that seem silly now, but they felt significant at the time it ended.

    I wish we could have found a way to tackle those challenges together, but sometimes relationships evolve, and people grow apart. I hope Rhiwo is doing well, and I cherish the memories we shared before we pathed ways.

    I have learned that relationships require effort and understanding, and sometimes, even that is not enough. But I will always treasure the good times I had with her, and the lessons I learned from her.

    Thanks For Reading

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