Hidden exercise opportunity. My Actifit Report Card: March 18 2024

in voilk •  4 months ago

    One of the best things about exercising a lot is that you can eat large meals. My son took full advantage of that this morning.

    As of right now it's not even noon and I already have almost 10k steps. How? Well the elevator is the hotel is really slow. So some people complain. For me it's an opportunity to...

    Find the stairs. Our room is 4th floor. Laundry on 6th so lots of opportunity to go up and down stairs.

    In addition we took a walk on miami. Now most people would uber by why? It's a chance to see a new place.

    Now the road doesn't look like much but there were beatific palm trees, real meat looking concrete rancher houses (unlike the two story woodframe houses where I live)

    Although I'm not sure how happy these people will be with the new development going in across the street.

    Anyways got some stuff at the shopping plaza there for the cruise we leave on shortly. That's why I'm not waiting until the end of the day to post 😉

    Kind of odd, seems everyone here speaks Spanish rather than English. Not a bad thing but takes a little getting used to.

    And that's it for today and for the next few days actually. No internet for 5 days coming up.

    Thanks for reading. Until next post... whenever that is 😀
    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

    Stair Climbing, Walking

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