Good Upbringing Is Important, But Choice Is Supreme

in voilk •  6 days ago

    Good Upbringing Is Important, But Choice Is Supreme

    Photo by August de Richelieu

    Raising children properly and decently is a very difficult thing to do. Each time I hear people say, "I want to get married, I love this lady, I love this man and I think we will make a good family," the first thing that comes into my heart is, I hope they are also ready for the responsibility of raising god fearing and good kids?

    Every parent has so much to contribute to the destiny of their children, once a child is in your hands you become like a god over that little life handed to you. Whatever becomes of those children becomes your responsibility.

    You know many people think they can simply live anyhow, groom their children anyhow, and somehow expect that the children become something reasonable in the near future. Yes, it happens on rare occasions but the majority of the time, the result is terrible.

    As an individual, if not for anything, the more reason why you should build yourself and become an icon is for the children you will be raising tomorrow. It's exactly what you have that you will give out to them.

    Good upbringing plays a vital role in the lives of children. It's like a light shining on their path, it's also like a map, showing them the exact places they should tread.

    It's so disappointing to see one's children become wayward, it hurts differently. Others have made the mistake of neglecting their children to become wayward but we don't have to make the same mistakes. I believe that the way children are coached is the way they will be when they are grown.

    However, I must also draw the line, a parent is only a guide, he or she only contributes a part in the destiny of a child. Parents can only give their children the road map to the right kind of life but they don't have the power to force them to walk on that path.

    Most of the time, the kind of training a child receives and what the child sees from the parent's life can influence the child to decide to walk on the path he or she was brought up to follow but there are occasions where some children break that rule.

    A good upbringing does so much on what a child becomes but a good upbringing alone won't work if that's not the path the child wants to follow.

    So, parents shouldn't be blamed if their children turn out to be a burden to society, trust me, some parents really did their best in bringing up their children but the children chose to be something different.

    Nevertheless, parents must also double their efforts, sometimes what some parents call a good upbringing is not always good enough. I will be honest, you can't groom up a child without impacting the fear of God in his or her life and expecting that child not to be wayward in the long run. You need the one who gave you the children to help you raise them well. There are things that only God can do.

    I would love to conclude by saying if children who were properly raised have tendencies to becoming wayward, how worse will it be when there is no good upbringing at all? It might be frustrating, it might be burdensome but never take the place of grooming your children well for granted.

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