The Day The Sun Went Down - 5 minutes freewrite

in voilk •  4 months ago


    On the day the sun went down, there was panic everywhere. The whole place was filled with gross darkness. It was as if the entire universe held its breath. There was chaos everywhere as people were running up and down into their houses, trying to find solace in familiar walls.

    As the night stretched on, there were whispers everywhere as people wondered if this was happening because of the ancient tales of prophecies and magic they had been told about. The thought of it brought more fears and wonder amongst them. The more they tried to make meaning out of what could have happened, the more confused they became and panicked, as nothing was making sense.


    Regardless of speculation about what caused the sun to disappear on that particular day, one thing is certain: the day the sun went down has become a mystery and will forever be remembered and passed down to generations.


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