The beauty of the morning in the rice fields in the corner of the village

in voilk •  5 months ago


    The morning atmosphere in the corner of the village in the middle of the rice fields is a beautiful view, cool and cool, so this view is also sought after by photographers. I see that rice fields are one of the tourist attractions for village people, so they feel that rice fields are their own selling point at this time. at certain moments, including the day when the rice is green, one of the benefits of seeing green rice is that it can provide eye therapy for people who have started to have complaints about their eyes, whether they are nearsighted, so by seeing the dryness of the rice it will be able to reduce and can lead to healing point some of these pictures I have taken with a smartphone and this is one centimeter ship today. I hope my friends like the pictures and writings that I have formulated so that they become good and quality posts, of course for friends in the community, congratulations on burying the beautiful pictures and congratulations on being quality photographers.




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