Greetings dear friends, welcome to my blog, happy and blessed Wednesday, amazing that we are already in the middle of the week, today I want to share with you some pictures of what was a single and quick exit in search of little things for personal use.
The truth is this outing was nothing fast, I tell you that I am not one of those people who comes to the first store and there buy everything, to me on the contrary I like to walk, investigate, compare, see my options, and then decide and buy, and I am very indecisive.
For that reason when my husband knows that I am going to buy personal things, he prefers not to accompany me because he on the contrary likes to shop very fast, and well I take my time.
So he just drives me and dropped me off and with the excuse of taking care of the kids he left and told me to call him when I finish shopping to come and pick me up, so I saw the perfect occasion to relax, take a little walk and take a couple of hours for myself.
First I was in some stores of intimate and tired clothing for women, I took the opportunity to buy a pair of blouses or panties, they were super cheap and then the bra and two panties, threads or cacheteros in 5$, but I was also in love with some sandals that I hope to buy Lara next fortnight.
Then from here I went to walk several stores, Chinese, where I was looking for body creams, toilet soap, wet wipes, nail polish, and other personal items.
The good thing is that in the center, very close to each other are about 10 Chinese stores where there are always price competitions and always get the deals, you just have to look for them.
And well, between walks, stores, and some walking I spent the hours and although I like from time to time a couple of hours for me, I love to be with my children and my home, so I called my husband to come for me because I was ready.
The content in this publication is completely original and all the photos are my own and were taken with my Redmi note 13 cell phone.