A bad customer service experience.

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Pleasant greetings everyone!

    Every sound organization understands the importance of customer service. Hence, these companies do their best to employ individuals with good temperaments. They also go as far as training these staff to be very polite and kind to customers when they interact via buying and selling.

    But what do you do when you encounter a bad customer service and reception? Get angry, report such worker or walk away. How about in some life threatening situations, **what do you do when the customer service are rude, uncaring and indifferent to one's plight at the time?

    Photo by Mikhail Nilov

    My experience

    One reason I detest going to government hospitals is because of their poor customer service. We find this poor services in many sectors and organizations but they are not as bad as the ones that occur in government owned establishments.

    I think there is an unspoken rule that allows government employees act in such rude and appalling manner. They forget that without the citizens there is no government, just like a king is both powerless and useless without his subjects. Some of them act so high and mighty, ordering people here and there and if one should fail in any way, there will be a release of foul language and insults, oh so appalling.

    One ugly experience I had in a government hospital popularly referred to as government hospitals still leaves me with goosebumps. I had followed my uncle's wife to the hospital when she unexpectedly fell into labour(it was not yet her EDD). My uncle was unavailable at the time as he was an inter-state transporter. A taxi was called and she was taken to Badagry general hospital for her delivery. Upon arrival, I ran to the front desk to alert them of the situation on ground. I was tensed, afraid and worked up due to my aunt's constant cries from the labour pains.

    Photo by Mikhail Nilov

    The two nurses at the front desk were busy watching a Korean drama series and they all but ignored me. I had to hit the table and speak at the top of my lungs before one of the nurses raised her head to look at my aunt, hissed and blurted "is she the first to be pregnant?" It "what's so special about what she's carrying, after all when she was screaming harder, harder, I was not there"

    Oh you guys need to have seen my face metarmophosize into different shapes out of annoyance. I wanted to reply her...no scratch that, I had a ready remark at the tip of my tongue to lash out at her but my aunt's call for me made me forget about my smart mouth. That call was full of pain and it felt like I was also in pain with her.

    Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

    After what seemed like forever, the nurse finally stood up and went to prep the labour ward before fetching the doctor on call. I was waited at the reception, pacing and praying that all goes well and that my aunt does not suffer any complications whatsoever. My uncle whom I have already notified of the situation was also calling concurrently. If not for the dire situation, I would have felt like a celebrity being worshipped by fans.

    A little while later, I received good news of both mother and son being safe and all the pent up frustration seeped out of my system but notwithstanding, I still don't like visiting that hospital.

    Thank you all for reading.. shalom.

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