Turn offs in a book

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Reading is a very beautiful thing. Reading novels I mean, not school books. Might be beautiful still, for some,not me though. Now,everyone has their preferences and I'm not here today trying to call anyone out for what they like reading or what gives them pleasure(I was talking about the book.)

    This post isn't about me trying to tell you or inform you on something. It's about you and I. ✨Us✨.
    What are your icks when reading a book? What do you see in a book and say "nah,this isn't for me"? What kind of books do you read and cringe so hard, you're so close to puking?
    Authors are amazing,they write amazing book and I would never talk down on someone who creates magic with bunch of letters. It's not being picky. It's just saying what you don't like to see in a book. Is it the erotic scenes? Excess spice? Incest? Rape? BDSM? Bullying? Too many characters? More than one main character? Degrading?
    Now, let's talk about excess spice! Man,the books don't have to be practically p**n before it's amazing or interesting to read! A total turn off for me would always be excess spice in a book,so much erotic scenes. Erotic scenes are different from romantic scenes. Romantic scenes can be two people walking down a street at night and telling stories about each other. Romantic scenes can be a male laying down on a female's thighs and telling her what he loves about. Romantic scenes can be a male kissing every part of the females body and telling her how much he loves her. Erotic scenes are a whole different case entirely. I will never get why there has to be eroticscenes at every chapter of the book!

    Like I said earlier,this is literally me talking about my icks and things I don't really like when reading some books. I have nothing against anyone, I'm not trying to be rude and I don't want to create an opportunity for anyone to take offense in.

    When the main character doesn't know how to stand up for herself/himself. Urgh,I get so annoyed when reading this like no man don't let them do that to you.

    Another thing that turns me off when reading a book is if it has hints of incest in it. No, no and no! Will not,can not and shall not read anymore. It's a thing for some people but definitely not me. I'd say to myself "Alright,unto the next cause the hell!?"

    These should be my two main turn offs. I don't really have anything against extreme contents and the rest. I'm not completely normal cause tell me why I have nothing against rape or bullying in a book? I don't find them funny but they can be in my book (*the book I'm reading.)

    This post is created as a conversation starter. Please tell me what you like and don't like when reading a book. This applies to all genres of novels. Not everyone reads romantic book. Some people (like me) love to switch genres and try news things. So please,do feel free to tell me your turn offs when reading a book. I'd really love it,thankyou.

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