My love for my loved ones!

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hey, there!

    Love is a profound subject matter that can't be exhausted in a day if it is delved into. There are various aspects incorporated into this subject matter. Love is accompanied by care, protection, mercy, kindness, and many other virtues.


    In the case of Jesus Christ. God knew that we were sinners from our mother's womb. He sent Jesus Christ to come and die for us, so He would reconcile us to His Father. What makes us to relate God now is the love he showed. Even now, He is still showing us that love.

    Love is an inconvenience element, and is hard to do, especially when we offend our loved ones or our friends offend us, or do something that mustn't be done which will later have an effect, and when something happens they look out for you. You know this situation can be pained. Someone who turned his or her back on you or betrayed you is now looking for your love, support, and protection. There is nothing you would do than to give it out so that you will have peace and happiness. If anything negative happens to him or her, you might bear the consequences.

    Naturally, humans can exhibit both offensive and defensive behaviors as a result of their instinct for self-protection. Therefore, we might not follow some put-on attributes to avoid losing a loved one.

    I loved my family members and I loved the people outside. I am always concerned about people's health whether they are far or near.

    I have this sense of protection towards people close to me. Hear this story of how I cared for this gentleman.

    One day, one of my choir members, stepped out in the morning for work. Along the street, going with his phone in his hand. Men in the tricycle stopped by to get his phone from him. Unfortunately, he struggled with those guys, they forcefully took the phone from him and entered their tricycle off they went. My boy ran after the tricycle and hung on it, screaming thieves. Therefore, in anger one of them in the tricycle, told the other to silence him, that is to shoot him to death. An alternative came as the stroke him on his ankle. The scenario was deep and dreadful. At that time they stroked him, and he fell to the ground. The street was busy but nobody came to rescue him because of his stupidity. Two known people, who were my members too, rushed him to the hospital for treatment. Reaching the hospital, the nurses couldn't treat him, instead, they referred him to another hospital, where after three days, the optimal treatment was given to him.

    Nonetheless, I visited him at the hospital. I saw him and tears rolled down my cheeks, I felt I wouldn't leave him, though someone was there to look after him. But my heart was all out for protection and care.

    He was the victim, but God's mercy and human mercy showed up. His hand was well-stitched. After some weeks, he returned home. Now he can play drums with his hand skillfully.

    I am sharing with you, how protective, caring, and supportive I was in every way to make sure he was fine.

    Overall, returning home, he thanked everyone for the care and love they showed to him. I was happy, that one soul was found and restored.

    Thank God, the hand is completely healed and firmly used and active.

    This post is in response to the hive learner's contest.

    Thank you for reading.

    I love, I care, and I forgive.

    I remain @peckypeace.

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