I Spy Friday ❤ a Midyear Reflection

in voilk •  3 days ago


    It’s finally Friday, and Ninja wants to remind us not to get too comfortable. The weekends are shorter than we want to believe and over in just a blink of an eye! Best to keep just one eye open, as there is still work that needs to be done around the house and trust me, Monday is merely a blink of an eye away hahahaha.

    On a more serious note, I must just be honest, weeks and months seem to all just blur together the older I get. One day it’s the beginning of the year and the next we’re halfway through it and holding our breaths for our December holidays.

    I’m not entirely where I wanted to be yet with my yearly goals, but I do feel like I am moving forward inch by inch and for that I am thankful. Slow and steady, as they say, even though that statement is not entirely suited to my personality. I like to push hard, which I’ve learnt is not the best method for my health.

    It’s taken a lot of practice, and patience to get to a place now where I’ve slowed everything down quite a bit. I’ve learnt that I can only truly focus on improving one thing at a time, and not all of them at once. I’ve found that, that way I can truly focus on improving that one challenge that I’m trying to overcome or better.

    So far this year I’ve managed to switch over from cigarettes to vaping 95% of the time. This one was a real challenge for me as I am a diehard smoker and have been heard vehemently saying, “I will not give up my cigarettes and vape like everyone else!”

    I’ve managed to get 12 posts out here on hive, which is considerably lower than I initially wanted to do by this point, but again I’m taking it slow and steady and hope to improve as I get more involved here again.

    I finally put a proper budget together and have been sticking to it. I work in finance so you would think that this one would have been a no brainer for me, but hey I think I was avoiding the reality of it. I can already feel a huge weight being lifted as I’ve finally started to address and deal with the situation. Sticking my head in the sand really hurt me here and I’m planning on not allowing this one to slip up again.

    There are still a few other things that I’m working on but I’m proud of how far I’ve come this year so far. So, in the words of one of my colleagues, I’m going to stop pretending to work and shut down for this Friday. Trust that you all have restful and magical weekend as well.

    Thank you for Reading 😀

    With Love Always, Justine.


    All Photos Are My Own,
    Unless Sourced Otherwise lol 😂
    Photo's taken with my Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra.

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