Apocalyptic Homesteading (Day 1232)

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hello Everyone!

    Timing is not always everything, Missing my hobbies, The usual chores & Lots to do!

    Alright, I am yet again running behind schedule with my writing routine... and may wind up pushing it back a bit more since that keeps happening lately. Perhaps begining 'right at sunset' is a little too early for this time of year... and ultimatly the time that I start at is arbitrarily decided by me afterall... so meh!

    I dunno what time that I fell asleep last night... but I do know that I was not up super late or anything and got lots of rest. It was not even all that long after sunrise this morning when I got up the first time... but in the end I wound up letting myself drift back off for a few more hours.

    Although I did my Hive engagement routine... I did not do much scrolling/reading before getting distracted watching several videos online about some of the recent advacments with artifical intelligence. Not to get too lost on that topic in this entry... but I gotta admit that things are moving quite rapidly... and I wish that I was in a better position to be tinkering with some of the 'latest and greatest' technologies.

    Having put my technology endeavors (and coding hobby) on hold several months ago... I really miss it all. It is hard to describe just how much I enjoy that new hobby... and am hoping that I can get back to it all 'sooner rather than later' especially if I get the highspeed internet connected before the winter arrives.

    Anyways, the weather was really nice today... but I did not get much done besides my usual chores. The only thing that I kind of slacked on was getting the latest round of laundry hung up on the dog yard fence... which I meant to do just before sunset... but wound up taking a nap instead.

    Over the coming days I really have my work cut out for me with the packing down... because I need to shuffle things around in such a way... that I can then quit needing to shuffle things around. Basically, I am thinking that I should cut the top half of the lumber rack off... and use it to make another table in the shop tent.

    With the other table I would then have enough room that I will no longer need to pull the big wagon in and out of the tent... and since it will be lower to the ground I will be able to pile some of the heavier items onto it. I am really unsure just how sturdy either section will be (after cutting the lumber rack in half) but it seems like a sensible approach.

    Freeing that wagon up will also make it so that I can get back to scrubbing (and painting) more of that lumber while the nice weather lasts. Given that I used up all that white exterior paint... I might have to open that five gallon bucket of green paint after all... and just look at taping the lid in place (if there is any left) before transporting it.

    Well, I think that is all the words that I have in me for this entry. I hope that everyone is doing well. Ta ta for now.

    I like seeing how green everything is getting!

    Thanks for reading!

    Please check out the Homesteading Community!

    Cheers! & Hive On!

    All content found in this post is mine!

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