Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - A Broken Card

in voilk •  5 months ago
    Hello everyone! This is my second entry for this week's Splinterlands Social Media Challenge. Today I'm sharing a battle of mine in Ranked Modern Diamond, where I used a broken card.


    Are you curious to see which card I'm talking about and what I mean?


    Here's the battle: https://splinterlands.com/?p=battle&id=sl_82db1431a074acab82a0995dae9c5a69


    This game has the following rule sets: Wands Out, Healed Out, and Tis But Scratches. Out of the available Splinters and mana, the obvious choice is Thaddius Brood. I went with Djinn Muirat, Life Sapper, and Doctor Blight. They went with the same team but with Nalara Geinek as the tank.


    On round 1, both our tanks avoided the poison, which was good for me. If mine gets poisoned, the Djinn doesn't get to kill their Doctor Blight with Magic Reflect, on the second round. If one person wins the poison coin flip and the other one doesn't, the game is over. However, if we both hit the poison, their tank survives a bit longer, which is very bad for me. No one hit the poison and I'm happy about that. On round 2, my Djinn dies and takes out their Doctor. Their Nalara goes to 2 health but avoids the poison again. This happens for 6 rounds, where my broken Doctor Blight appears to lack the Poison ability and never hits it. In round 7 it gets stunned and dies in round 8.


    This was a very frustrating game to lose like this. Seeing round after round of not hitting poison. 6 is a row has just 1,56% of happening. I don't think I could have won if it hit on round 6 or maybe even 5 but anything before that would have given me a very good chance. According to Xbot's Battle Vision, this game was around 50% for each player. I thought it would be better for them if there wasn't Cripple, but the Battle Vision gives me 80% chance to win. Maybe because even though their tank doesn't get health reducing even when taking 0 damage, their Life Sapper wouldn't get Life Leech when hitting the armor and it would die to the Magic Reflect.


    What do you all think about this game? Do you have a better strategy in mind? Let me know in the comments! Thank you for reading!!


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    All monsters and images used are owned by Splinterlands.io

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