gym restarting part 2: March 4 2024

in voilk •  5 months ago

    lantern from the onsen place last sunday

    i went snowboarding again for the third time last saturday. i have not posted anything about it because it seems like i'm a broken record by now. well, winter only comes 3 months a year and the right quality of snow possibly falls and stacks up only on february so... i guess a man who originally comes from a tropical country like me would go crazy over winter activities.

    and again, i went to the onsen area for healing and rejuvination last sunday. muscles need to be relaxed after a heavy activity. that it the last. or so i thought. and guess what? when i thought that last saturday was the last trip, we have booked another one for this weekend. i think this will be the last for sure. snow would be too hard weeks after this.

    monday is cooking day. i need to cook to save money for these snowboarding trips. i have been discussing this idea of adding curry rue to ground meat. my housemate says that it is a bad idea but i just can't put that aside. i really think that it will work and so i finally tried the dish. there were so many should haves and should have not after the cooking process but i made it work so i guess it was a success. i will try this again next time.

    later that night, i went back to the gym. we decided to do back routines. we just can't do legs, snowboard is a strenuous leg routine already so we just have to skip it. and @ohlnwwlknat finally joined us for the first time. hope you continue on this fitness journey.

    now here is the back routine
    pull ups (9 x 10, 3 x 6) - no more strength left
    barbell bent-over row (60kg x 3 x 12)
    shrugs (50kg x 3 x 16)
    chest supported bumbbell row (35kg x 3 x 12)
    single arm row (31kg x 3 x 12 per arm)
    a set each of the following with no rest between sets

    • face pull (18kg x 3 x 12)
    • straight arm pulldown (20kg x 3 x 12)
      reverse fly (32kg x 3 x 12)
      lat pulldown (50kg x 3 x 12)

    we tried single arm row as suggested by a comment the last time and yes, we loved it. not bad at all. thanks to whoever suggested this before. i guess we will have to this from now on.

    as always stay safe folks.

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    all content is by yours truly unless otherwise specified

    all photos are taken with a galaxy s23 ultra

    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

    Daily Activity, Gym, House Chores, Weight Lifting
    168.0 cm
    72.8 kg
    Body Fat
    21.8 %

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