Imagine Talking About Jesus To Kidnappers While Being The Victim.

in voilk •  3 months ago

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    I couldn't hide how shocked I was when I saw this prompt on the Hive Learner discord server, I had to read it out for my friends who were around and it initiated a long and funny conversation.

    Well, this will be an imagination or (fiction) of what I'll do if I were a vitim of kidnapping. (God forbid). I began to wonder why would I get kidnapped and where exactly will be the likely location for the abduction and of course it will probably be in the night. I strongly believe it won't be so easy to kidnap me, except they are with guns, luckily get to cover my nose with an handkerchief that has been soaked in chlorofoam to make me unconcious..... or I was knocked out with a strong material on the back of my neck to make me unconcious.

    Sincerely, what I thought of might put me in more trouble for the first few minutes but it is likely that I would be set free eventually. It is expected that most victims of kidnap get blindfolded immidiately so as not to be able to recongnise the route the kidnappers would go through. With the mindset that these guys are very dangerous and really hate troublesome victims who try to act smart: once I get blindfolded the first thing I'd do it to greet them in pidgin eglish preferably because I am sure they can relate. My greeting would surely suprise them. The greeting it to cause a little confusion, because normally a victim of such would not even think about greeting them while being blindfolded. Then I wait a while. I would probably sing songs and instead of crying and begging, this is to keep my mind sane and at rest, at least.

    I will most likely start to talk about my family, how we relate to each other to how we are not so close to the extended memebers of our family. Literally say things that doesn't concern them in any way. Then I move to talking about how God has been a good God to me, how faithful and kind He has been to me since so and so time.

    Can you imagine, there was a day when I had nothing in my account and my parent couldn't help me, the only thing I had was a scripture of the Bible that says "The Lord is ny sheperd, I shall not want": I kept quoting this all day and even knelt on the floor while saying it as prayer. Can you beleive God used a friend of mine to help me? I was so happy that I got some money and was able to feed nyself too......

    I would be narrating different occassions where God had helped me through friends. I might get some few punches on the face and stomach maybe, but I will continue to talk till they get tired of me.

    I will also preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to them. Talking about how God sent His only begotten son to die for the sins of man,just because God wanted men to become closer to Him once again. I'd narrate the birth of Jesus Christ, His work on earth, crucification, death and ascension into heaven and I will give them the Biblical reasons why all these happened. I would talk extensively about how much God loved the whole world, how God wants every man to have a relationship with him, our Maker. Tell them how much rejoicing would be in heaven if they can also accept Jesus as their Lord and Saviour, confess their sins and wave the sinful life goodbye. I'll let them know the advantage of having Jesus as Lord and Saviour.

    Can you say these prayers with me if you are ready to give your life to Jesus ? Then, I say those prayer: that's if they even allow me to say the prayers before throwing me out of the car or.... give me few more punches in my face.

    I have being a Christian all my life so, it will be easier to talk convincingly about my faith tiredlessly to them since I know about my religion well enough.

    Thank You For Reading Till The End

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