Luck and being careful

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Photo by Koshu Kunii

    People always say that if you stay at home and mind your business that you will always stay out of trouble. I used to believe that until two seperate occasions when the trouble came to meet me at my doorstep, that was when I realized that in as much as staying indoors might keep you away from some trouble, luck actually plays a much bigger part in things like this.

    I remember the first time trouble came knocking was the night myself and my friends were in my room at the hostel at night playing some video games and some police officers were patrolling the area and decided it was a good idea to walk into the hostel, so they had walked up to my room and took one of my friends with them, luckily they let him go after he explained to them that he was just a student.

    The second time was the day I was in my room and some guys came knocking on my door with guns, luckily nothing happened either and I escaped that situation unscathed. So you see, experience has taught me that when trying to stay away from trouble, you need both luck and you being careful to completely escape any form of trouble and something that happened today is a perfect example of what I'm saying.

    You see, at my hostel, myself and some friends do this thing where we occasionally go sit outside in the morning just to gist and talk like one big family, basically just having fun and laughing with one another. It's something that I always look forward to because it helps us to bond and get closer to one another.

    Well today was going to be one of those days and I knew that because when I got up from bed, I could already hear their voices downstairs and was getting ready to go join them. But unlike other days where I only brush my teeth and go downstairs, I had decided to not just brush my teeth but also take my bath before going downstairs.

    So I took off my clothes and got into the bathroom, but just as I was about to start taking my bath, I heard some commotion downstairs, it sounded like people running so I quickly tied my towel around my waist and went to investigate, that was when I saw the reason for the commotion.

    Some guys dressed like the police (and are probably the police) had driven into the street and were packing young boys into their vehicle. I used the word packing and not arresting because of how many people I saw them trying to squeeze into the vehicle while dangerously pointing their guns at them. Luckily for some of the guys downstairs, some of them had been quick enough to run for their lives but the unlucky ones were taken to the police station and released later tonight after they bailed themselves out.

    I remember how I quickly ran inside the moment I saw what was happening while thanking my God for making me choose to take my bath before going outside. Now if you ask me, in this case, this was a combination of pure luck and staying indoors. So next time when you choose to stay at home as a form of staying out of trouble, also pray for luck so that trouble doesn't find you all the way home.

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