My First time living independently and the lessons learnt.

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Good morning Everyone in the #hivenaijacommunity. It feels good to be here again and to share my own take on Independency. This very topic is very interesting and educative.


    Independence is one of the aspect of adolescent development as they strive to make decisions on their own, taking charge of their daily lives and becoming more self-sufficient and also being able to take care of oneself physically, such as managing personal hygiene, preparing meals, doing household chores, and managing one's own healthcare needs. It's not also just about physical independence but also about developing emotional, social, and financial independence.

    Staying out of the house for the very first time when I had to be independent on my own was when I was in school. The school was far from home so I wasn't able to school from home and I had to stay off campus since I was not comfortable with the hostel life. It was there it dawned on me that I was on my own. I turned to a mother taking care of myself, cooking my meals, managing my own health needs. It was a very unique way of life but it was stressful at first but later on I became used to it. There are days I come back from lectures hungry and exhausted hoping that my mum has finished cooking with the hope to get home and eat but unfortunately getting back I came back to my consciousness that I was independent that made me swing into action of preparing my meal even with my tiredness. It happened that way till I got used to my new life and I was able to regulate my emotions, cope with stress, and relied less on others for support and instead developed a sense of self-worth and self-confidence. I began to make friends, and form connections with others independently. When I was home with my parents, they influenced my choice of friends. It was more like they were selecting my kind of friends back then but in school alone I had the liberty of choosing my friends.


    I was able to manage my own finances, and make responsible financial decisions. Since I knew I was independent each time money was sent for me I made sure I carefully drew my budget on the important things to do with the money in order not to waste the money unnecessarily and be stranded thereby begging people for money to sustain myself. I also grew to take control of my economic well-being.

    At some point I felt all this was so stressful but before my final year I discovered that being independent has actually helped boost my confidence, helped me to learn how to tackle obstacles and find solutions. Being independent has helped me explore my strengths, weaknesses, and personal values and has equipped me with the skills and mindset needed to thrive independently in the real world, whether in education, employment, or personal life. So independency at that tender age equipped me for the real life after school.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    I still remain @gloreal.

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