Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge with Explosive Weaponry

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Explosive Weaponry ruleset



    All units gain the Blast ability.

    Additional damage is equivalent to main damage divided by 2, rounded up.

    Include a unit with Reflection Shield in your lineup to absorb blast damage and protect your back line.

    The best strategy is to have fast monsters with Snipe, Sneak, Opportunity. For defense, Shield and Void will come in handy.


    The Battle Ruleset


    Explosive Weaponry: All Monsters have the Blast ability.
    Counterspell: All Monsters have the Magic Reflect ability.

    This is a middle mana ruleset game and only two color is available to play, which is the Earth and Death Splinters. The Explosive Ruleset is a very powerful ruleset amongst the all, because it will allows all the monsters on the battlefield to damage the monsters next to their target. The indirect damage from the Blast ability will always be half of the damage the monsters has, so the more they have the more the Blast damage will be.

    The Counterspell ruleset as the name suggest will makes the life of magic attack monsters more difficult, because if they damage their target they will reflect some of that damage back to themselves.


    My Team Composition


    Thaddius Brood is a very good Summoner, because he cost only four mana and he decreases two ability from the enemy monsers, which is their magic and health stats by one point. The Death Splinter has a lot of amazing and powerful monsters, so it is always a good choice to pick that.


    The Cursed Wiindeku is the perfect tank for this battle and one of my favorite for a middle mana battle, because he cost only 6 mana and has the Thorn ability, which will reflect all the incoming melee damage back to the attackers.


    The Will-O-Wisp cost six mana and it is my second tank for this battle, because I need to protect my backline from the indirect Blast damages thanks to his high health.


    The Ravenhood Warden is an amazing Death supporter, because his Protect ability will provide two armor to all of his friendly monsters, which is nice against any kind of melee and ranged attack especially, because the Counterspell ruleset will mostly eliminate the use of any magic attack monster.


    The Silent Sha-Vi is an amazing Death damage dealer, because he is very fast and he has Sneak ability, which means that he will target the last monster from the enemy team and his Blast damage will also damage the monster next to that.


    The Twisted Jester is a 'classic' very good ranged attack card with the Snipe ability, which means that he will first target the non-attack, ranged or magic attack monsters if there is any on the battlefield. This will help him a lot to deal more damage to the enemy backline.


    Lira the Dark is a very strong Legendary creature with good stats and the Opportunity and Snare abilities. The Opportunity is an amazing combination with the Blast, because it will target the lowest health monster on the battlefield and if they are able to fly than the Snare will take them down from the sky and remove their Flying ability.


    The Battle


    Link to my battle:


    My opponent brought the Earth Splinter and from that he took the Mycelic Slipspawn who has the Taunt ability, so all of my backline monsters started to attacking her and he used Venator Kinjo who countered all of our indirect damage using his Reflection Shield.

    In the first round not much happened apart from few monster on either side who had very low health left, so in the second round my team finally killed their Slipspawn and thanks to the indirect damage from my monsters they managed to kill two of this monsters at the same time.

    My opponent had three monsters left, but they had only one health each and it was easy to finish them off and won the battle.


    Do you like Explosive Weaponry? Why or why not?

    I like this ruleset, because my favorite summoner is Yodin Zaku who gives the Blast ability to all of his monsters and this ruleset is almost the same, but all of the monsters will get that ability.


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