More Time

in voilk •  29 days ago

    When I sit with my morning coffee next too me, a book in my lap, a pen in my hand, my eyes taking in all the words and suddenly one phrase strikes like lightning. I look up and repeat the phrase in my head, look at it again and it is as if a wave of realisations floods my brain. It has been there all along. It has always been that simple. And now I get it.

    Because I find so much excitement in the knowledge I gain and the things I learn through books, I want to share that excitement with you. Myself I am appreciating strangers sharing the books that “changed their lives”, wasn’t it them, unknowingly being the catalysator for my own growth, when I find similar inspiration in the same books they did.

    In that matter I don’t want to keep it to myself, I want to keep passing it on. And I hope you’ll enjoy at least some of it.

    Since January this year I made it one of my favourite habits to carry a book around with me wherever I go. There are days where I just sit around, on a balcony, in a Café or on my bed and I am content with just that, reading.

    Amazed about this, how I thought, lost-in-my-teenage-years, passion showing up again, I give in.

    Maybe I was trying to read the wrong books for too long, and that putt me off? Or maybe I was just too often looking at all these free books, random stories with pretty covers, that in the end where of no interest to me?

    I don’t force myself to find interest nor excitement in fiction books anymore. If one shows up I like, fine, if not, I don’t mind.

    Instead I figured out how much I am able to learn from books.

    Mesmerised by the concept, that I can learn anything I can possibly imagine, just by reading someones book who knows about it, I can, at times, hardly tame my enthusiasm. Therefore I picked a few core subjects. That give me a starting point on where to find or how to research about what I want to read next.

    Mostly under the quest to reach some next level of freedom they are something in the lines of:

    Financial understanding. Personal growth. Emotional health.

    If there is anything that we only have in scarce amounts and therefore should be most preciously handled, in this life, it is time. And if there is anything in our control, that is limitless and opens up the same time we have to endless potential, it might be knowledge and understanding.

    Or thats how I feel.

    The more I learn, the more I see what I don’t know, the more inspired I am to learn something else. And the more time I spend learning and thinking instead of randomly “doing” the more time I seem to have.

    I only have one life, so why not?

    Why not figure out all the traits in my personality that hold me back? Why not solve all the emotional storms that cloud my decisions? Why not getting to know my strength and build on it?
    Why not learn about finances instead of letting them hold me back? Why not figure out how to build a version of freedom for myself and the people around me, that sincerely feels as such?

    Thank you for stopping by, any of your thoughts or insights triggered by the above are more than welcome! So are any book recommendations. Have a lovely day ahead!

    All photos and words are owned by ©kesityu taken and written by myself.

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