A week on Hypurrfun

in voilk •  3 months ago


    With all the talk about Hyperliquid and every token that launched was turning to gold. Me being my greedy self decided to find the "trenches" where these tokens gave birth at 4 cent. Considering some of these Hyperliquid tokens were now trading at well into the hundreds per token I found this a grand motivation to delve into a different world of crypto, a seedy world where tokens launch every hour but maybe 1 or 2 tokens a week make it out of these trenches to the promised land. I had made a few pound in a recent trade so I decided to put some money aside for Hyperfun to see where it would take me. If I lost it then so be it. Hyperfun is a telegram bot. You can send USDC to this bot and then make trades on the tokens just launched. The main aim of these tokens is to navigate through the trenches and gain volume and market cap so that eventually they will "bond" and be launched on the main Hyperliquid platform. If the token bonds there is a good chance it will then moon and the founders of the token or devs can then live a life of luxury, their wealth achieved and never have to work again. I am being serious here as every token launches at $0.04. And some tokens are now trading on Hyperliquid after bond at over €100. Take HFUN for example. It is trading at $169. Imagine getting on 1000 of these at launch for $0.04 for $40. You would be sitting on $169,000 right now which explains why people are losing their shit over Hyperliquid right now. So if you land the right token you are minted. But the problem is the sheer amount of tokens being launched in the trenches means you could spent a considerable amount trying to buy the next $HFUN.

    So What Makes A Good Meme According to the Degens

    First of all , yes they are just a pack of degenerates in these trenches. Faggot is a word I have not heard since the late 80's is now back in force with these people. We all know that memecoins have no utility so why do some memes made it and some are called "Scams". In my mind most of these are scams but alas.

    Dev ownership

    So first of all if the dev has more than 5% ownership of the token then its a bit of a red flag. Now the crafty devs just make 5 or 6 wallets and divide the % out amongst these and then they rug them all leaving the perspective good token just another rug so beaware.

    Dev Reputation

    Developer Reputation is everything. There was a coin launched called $STACC where the developer was actually a world renowned Sol developer who helped with the ban on Pumpfun and all of a sudden he turned up and launched on Hyperliquid. The token went from 4 cent to $1 when news got out this guy was involved and I made a nice few pound off this one. Now I lost it all after this but it was a good learning curve. I have kept some of his tokens to see where this goes but the guy is ahead of the game but who knows what he will do.

    Good Artwork and Stickers / Socials

    Good Artwqrk is a must. Tokens like $Oily , $HCR and $King (formerly Hyro) are the next big tokens on Hyperliquid and it is worth buying into these now before they bond. $HYENA is another token with good artwork and has bonded but yet to take off here on Hyperliquid but artwork is essential. If a dev has no stickers or artwork the token is dead in the water. The dev promises that artwork is coming but by then it is too late and people move onto the next token. I quite liked the artwork for the tokens that are doing well especially Oily who might just make it out of the trenches as it is expected. A website is helpful and a good Twitter following. However a memecoin Twitter following can go through a number of name changes and still have a following so this could be a classic rugpuller. The joys of it.



    If a token is launched and volume is dropping the Community of a token raid the General Chat to keep the token in the spotlight. They also reply to the crypto influencers on X with artwork from their memes. CryptoCobain for example looks to be heavily involved in Hyperfun as he comments on some tweets after the artwork which give these tokens a new pump.


    Every token launched gets its own telegram page so you can slide in and out to see how that token is performing. The most discussed forums are at the top so you can instantly see what the trending tokens are. Some devs are precious and will FUD another token just make sure their own token does not die. It is a dog eat dog word and teh word scam is mentioned quite a bit. Even if you get one fudder onto your token page it could mean a price dive so the devs need to be alert and to kick fudders from their token page as soon as they type it. Oily is being fudded as we speak as people are claiming the devs have multiple wallets. I find it funny because if they are meme coins it is obvious that the founders want to make money. They will always sell the token but it is all about not selling in its initial infancy. If it gets millions in volume then it is probably ok to sell their bags. There is a fine line between rugging and making money from the project you founded.

    Screenshot 2024-12-30 111855.jpg


    So I said in my last post if I put a few pound into every token then I will make more money from these as I would lose. This was probably accurate but the problem for me was when to sell. The dev lock in was changed by Hyperfun from 24 hours to at least an hour so the goalposts changed and I was left hanging with coins that went from 4 cent to 30 cent and then back down to 4 cent again. As I said earlier only a few make it and I lost money on the experiment as a whole. You can make it rich in the trenches but the token has to launch when you are looking at the screen. It goes to $1 like a shot if there is confirmation that the dev is good and does not rug. Something I cannot do at this time. I think it is back to the Hyperliquid spot trading for me. I will keep a good eye on Hypurfun however as I can see the gems before they bond and it has been a good experience. In the end I spent $400 and made $350 so not all was lost. I will transfer this money into my Hyperliquid platform and trade the tokens that are already bonded. It is safer. I will however leave $20 every so often or so in the Hypurfun for the gambler in me but the feeling you get from a coin mooning is worth the loss in my opinion.
    A couple of minutes back in Hyperliquid I purchased VAPOR which increase by 250% in an hour so I made my $50 and some. I am now trading a token called LAUNCH/USDC in Hyperliquid if anyone is interested.

    My time on Hypurfun was an experience but it is not for the faint hearted.

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