Attack From Behind or Magic attack ? Decision Must Be Made And The Risk Must Be Taken

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Hello everybody, how are you today? Today I will make a post about the Splinterlands contest Battle Mage Secrets Challenge. This Week's Theme is Broken Arrows ruleset.

    I play in the Modern Format Diamond League, using my scholar account from **Balthazar I only use cheap cards like Chaos, Reward, and some Neutral.

    Battle Link

    If you want to watch the Battle Link
    Video link:


    • Little League Only Summoners or Monsters who cost 4 mana or less can used in this battle.
    • Broken Arrows, monsters with range attack can't be used in this battle.
    • Heavy Hitters, all monsters have the Knock Out ability.
      • Knock Out ability, does double damage when attacking a stunned enemy.
    • mana cap.
    • can use element Fire, Water, Earth, Life, and *Dragon.

    My Lineup and strategy

    Some guidelines we can use :

    • In this battle, I think the most important ruleset is Broken Arrows, with this ruleset it means we only need to face range and magic monsters. First of all, we have to choose a tanker who can face these two types of attacks, and then estimate the attacks the enemy will carry out. In battles with the Little League and Broken Arrows ruleset, people usually attack enemy monsters in the back with melee attacks, because monsters that can attack from behind usually have a lot of damage, good ability, and stats. To attack from behind you must have the ability Sneak / Opportunity.
      • Sneak ability, attacks enemies in the rear position.
      • Opportunity ability, attacks enemies with the smallest HP.
    • In this battle focus fire attacking the front or enemy in the first position are only possible if we use some magic monsters. Several tanker in the element we can use are very difficult to defeat with magic monsters, such as Chaos Agent (neutral element), Xenith Monk (neutral element), Pelacor Conjurer (Life element), so if we use magic monsters it will be more risky.

    As we mentioned above, using magic monsters will be riskier because several tankers are difficult for magic monsters to deal with, but the greater the risk, the more difficult it will be for the enemy to guess what we will use. So I decided to use a magic monster as our attacker and combined it with a melee monster to attack the enemy monsters in the first position. I guess the enemy will attack from behind, so I put good tanker unit in the last position.

    This is my lineup :

    Summoner or monsterAbilitiesDescription
    Kelya Frendul, Give armor and speed +1 to all friendly monsters.+1 armor will be good against melee attack, even if the melee attack has 10 damage it needs to destroy the armor first before can hit the HP and kill the monster. For speed +1, any higher speed difference with enemy monsters will help our monster to attack first, hit the enemy, and dodge the attack from the enemy.
    Xenith Monk, 1st position, attacker and tanker, has ability Heal, Void, and Magic Reflect.I used this monster mainly because has Void ability if attack by magic attack will decrease the damage by half. Another skill he has is Magic Reflect, which can reflect back the magic attack and give damage to the attacker. Heal ability will restore some HP every round, prolonging this monster's life. This monster can handle all types of attacks but is better against magic, for a 4 mana cost it has good HP, the weakness only has 2 damage and he doesn't have any armor, fortunately, we use Kelya Frendul.
    Tide Biter, 2nd position, Attacker and 2nd tanker, has ability Reach, Reflection Shield, and True Aim.Can attack from 2nd position because has Reach ability. Reflection Shield ability will ignore the damage of the Thorns and Blast effect. This monster attack will always hit the monster because of the ability of True Aim. Has good damage of 3, and a speed of 4. This unit will help Xenith Monk to kill the enemy monster in the front.
    River Nymph, 3rd position, attacker and support. Has the ability Cleanse, Amplify, and Swiftness.We use this monster because it has The support ability Swiftness that can increase the speed of all our allied monsters. Cleanse ability willl remove any negative effects from our monster like Stun, Poison, Affliction, etc. We put this monster in this position to make it safe from the enemy attack because this monster easily dies.
    Merdaali Guardian, 4th position, Support, has the ability Tank Heal, Repair, and Strengthen.We use this monster to prolong the life of our monster in the front, this unit Heal our monster in the first position and restores the monster armor that has the highest damage. The Strengthen ability will increase the ally monster HP to +1. Like River Nymph this monster is weak against attack so I put it in this position.
    Musa Saline, 5th position, Attacker, has ability Scavenger, Shatter, and Dispel.At base stats this monster is not suitable to become a tanker because only has 3 HP, but if the battle becomes long this monster will get high HP because of the Scavenger ability. Every time any monster dies this monster's HP increases by 1. We put it in the 5th position so this monster can be a 2nd tanker if our tanker in the 6th position dies. Another good ability this monster has is the Shatter ability, with 1 hit that will destroy the armor of the enemy monster. Dispel ability will delete all positive buffs from the enemy monster in the first position.
    Cruel Sethropod, 6th position, Tanker, not have any ability.I use this monster as a tanker because with 3 mana has 6 armor and 7 HP, this monster strong against melee attack in the Little League ruleset, this unit can't attack from this position,

    Our Formation is finished and we are ready to battle :

    Did your Strategy Work?

    Yes, our strategy went well even though I was a bit surprised by the number of monsters with Sneak/Opportunity abilities brought by the enemy. Strategy summary :

    • Our guess that the enemy would attack from behind turned out to be correct. Unfortunately Musa Saline's HP did not increase from the Scavenger ability because its attack was reflected by the enemy tanker and reduced its HP so that when attacked by the enemy this monster quickly died.
    • In the third round, before it died, this monster attacked the enemy's Blinding Reflector, destroying all its armor, and our Tide Biter easily killed it because it no longer had any armor.
    • Cruel Sethropod is very helpful in dealing with attacks from behind, buying time, and allowing our attacking monsters to kill 2 enemy tankers in the front position the Pelacor Conjurer and Blinding Reflector.

    • The additional speed of our summoners Kelya Frendul and River Nymph helps our monsters to quickly kill the hard-to-hit enemy tanker Pelacor Conjurer.

    • Merdaali Guardian helps Cruel Sethropod to survive longer by providing armor in rounds 1 and 2., After Cruel Sethropod dies Merdaali Guardian helps restore armor from Xenith Monk in round 3.

    Thank you, my friend, for taking the time to review my battle report. I appreciate your efforts and would be grateful if you could provide me with feedback on any mistakes you find by leaving a comment.

    If you are new and want to try this fantastic strategy card battle game feel free to use my referral code to join.


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