Media deflecting hardcore: Accusing Trump of cognitive decline

in voilk •  4 months ago

    I kind of presumed this was going to happen at one point or another because that is just what politicians and their pals in the media do: They accuse the other side of exactly what they themselves are guilty of. Since this article comes from Salon it should be not surprising at all that this article is extremely one-sided and at no point in time do they even address the fact that Joe Biden is quite obviously the one with mental decline.

    The fact that they would even write this article given the state of Ol' Joe right now is just laughable and this is a prime example of how completely absurd our media has become. Joe can barely read a teleprompter and even when he does this he routinely reads things that you aren't supposed to actually say but are instead instructions on screen. At a recent fundraiser in South Carolina he said something about "prostitution law suits" when the topic at hand was tobacco. He constantly refers to people who are not there or have been dead for decades, he makes up situations in his life that are easily disproven, and he doesn't seem to know how to exit a stage without his handlers. But nah! Let's not look at that, it is Trump, the guy who gives 2 hour speeches without a teleprompter at all that is in cognitive decline, right?

    I'm not a MAGA guy and I think that Trump when he goes off script is annoying AF. He just rambles on and on and on saying the same things over and over again. But at least he can read a script.


    Salon is one of those lower-profile news organizations that is hemorrhaging money and likely wont be around much longer. If it wasn't for news aggregates like Yahoo News they probably wouldn't have an audience at all. Salon makes doesn't even attempt to pretend as though they are non-partisan and the pander exclusively to the left wing people of the world. Basically they just tell their audience what they want to hear and those people keep coming back for more anger-ammo. The type of people that would take anything seriously from this outlet are probably the dumber members of society because nearly every one of their articles comes with a warning of sorts that states that the article is the opinion of the author and not necessarily facts. Do you think that will stop any of the people that actually read this garbage from believing it? Of course not.

    here is a quote from the article in question

    Given how Biden is being unfairly maligned because of his age while Trump's obvious deficits, which are far more serious and dangerous, are being mostly ignored, that distinction needs to be emphasized — repeatedly.

    Unfairly? He's constant mumbling, forgetting where he is, and even calling Pete Buttigieg "secretary Booty-juice" in a speech one time as well as forgetting who was president when he was Vice President was barely covered by the media at all, let alone had massive amounts of roundtable time dedicated to it the likes of when Trump was president and the media simply fabricated stories and cherry-picked portions of video of him in order to try to make him look bad by any means possible.


    Remember the above? Well the media went on and on for about a week about how disrespectful and un-presidenty it was of Trump to pour all the food out into the Koi pond in front of the Japanese Prime Minister. They intentionally edited the video to not show that it was actually the Japanese Prime Minister that did the very same thing just moments before Trump did. This was intentional malice on the media's part and so is completely ignoring the fact that Biden doesn't remember how to talk anymore and instead deflecting Biden's very clear mental decline and attempting to push it on Trump.

    The article in question should anger you regardless of whether you support Trump or not. I searched through Salon's past articles going back a few months and there isn't a single article that even touches base on Joe being basically brain dead at this point. They don't even address it. None of the liberal media even talk about it despite the fact that it is right there in front of us all the time, any time that Biden speaks in public. Hell the few ads that he makes that he has unlimited takes and edits to perform before they air it seem like dude isn't even really there.

    Now we have the rumors circulating that Biden is refusing to take a cognitive test and he is also dodging any questions about having debates later in the year. My money is that he just skips them and his reason for doing so will blame Trump somehow. Probably because Trump refused to do debates after it was clear that he was going to easily win the primaries. I'd bet money that this is the reason that they will use for Joe skipping the debates, not because he no longer knows how to string a couple of sentences together.

    too much ice cream = food coma

    Before anyone accuses me of being a MAGA guy I will once again reiterate that I am libertarian and I almost always vote 3rd party. If more of the American population would wake up and realize that the 3rd party candidates are almost certainly better than the 2 that are basically forced upon us, I think we could fix a lot of the USA's very deeply rooted problems.

    Salon is a hack publication. Anyone with enough IQ to know what IQ is knows this so of course this article shouldn't be taken seriously but therein lies the problem. The comments section of the article referenced is absolutely loaded with people defending Joe and insisting that he isn't the gaffe machine that he is. The last I checked there was more than 2000 comments and most of them are people applauding the article and defending Joe's mental acuity.

    There's a lot of stupid people in the world and the comments section is proof of it. One of the comments was "always accuse your enemies of what you yourself are guilty of" and I think that the people in the comments section are so stupid that they believed this comment was in support of Joe Biden while it wasn't. That's how thick these people are.

    If you are the type of person that reads Salon or anything similar to it you are worse than uninformed, you are misinformed, mislead and programmed to remain stupid.


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