[ESP/ENG]Haciendo mantenimiento a una leva de freno de la moto_Doing maintenance on a motorcycle brake cam

in voilk •  last month




    Saludos queridos amigos de la comunidad de hive blog espero se encuentre bien hoy quiero compartir con ustedes esta moto express que tenia un problema que el freno se pegaba cuando afrenaba y estaba dura al frenar, lo primero que hice bajar la llanta y revisar como estaba las bandas de freno pero al bajar las banda esta muy bien, las saque del porta banda y al intentar mover la leva del freno esta pegada le faltaba hacerle mantenimiento, esto ocurre debido al sucio y agua que le cae constantemente, la saque la limpie, lubrique y volvi arma nuevamente ya al montar las banda y todo nuevamente ya frenaba bien.

    Greetings, dear friends of the hive blog community, I hope you are well. Today I want to share with you this express motorcycle that had a problem that the brake stuck when braking and was hard when braking. The first thing I did was lower the tire and check how the wheels were. brake bands but when lowering the bands they are very good, I took them out of the band holder and when trying to move the brake cam it was stuck, it needed maintenance, this happens due to the dirt and water that constantly falls on it, I took it out and cleaned it, lubricated and I put the gun back on when installing the bands and everything was stopping well again.

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