(ENG/ESP) Illustration “Gersiel and Mitharael in the swing” + short story – Angel Guardian /Ilustración “Gersiel y Mitharael en el columpio” + historia corta – Angel Guardián.

in voilk •  4 months ago


    ¡Feliz Viernes!

    Después de una semana de intenso trabajo, es tiempo de tomar un merecido descanso.

    Así que voy a compartirles algo más ligero como este par de ángeles tomando un pequeño descanso después de su incansable trabajo.

    Comencemos con la historia:

    Gersiel había estado buscando a Kyrsiel por un buen rato. No lo encontraba por ningún lado. Pensó que estaba con Midori, pero al buscarla, se dio cuenta que el ángel de su hermanito Tony era quien estaba cuidando de ella ya que ambos estaban en casa.

    Esto había hecho enfurecer a Gersiel, pues era claro que Kyrsiel estaba siendo irresponsable con sus deberes dejándole el cuidado de su protegida a otro ángel.

    Después de buscar en los sitios que frecuentaba y no encontrarlo, se dirigió al último lugar donde pensó podría hallarlo.

    Llegó a una especie de mirador. Estaba en lo alto de una colina. Desde allí, se veía perfectamente la ciudad entera. Era un lugar con grama muy corta y sólo un árbol crecía en la cumbre.

    Midori y Kyrsiel solían ir a ese lugar a conversar, hacer picnic o simplemente Kyrsiel estaba allí como el ángel de Midori, haciéndole compañía cuando ella quería estar a solas y se iba a ese lugar retirado de todo a pensar.

    Era el atardecer cuando Gersiel llegó al sitio. Miró alrededor y no vio a nadie. Repentinamente, se percató que había alguien en el improvisado columpio que habían hecho sujeto a una de las ramas del frondoso árbol.

    El ángel se aproximó con cautela y se quedó sorprendido, ya que quien se hallaba allí era Mitharael, su ex alumna.

    Estaba sentada en la madera que servía de asiento, mientras sujetaba las cuerdas con las que estaba atada a ambos lados de la tabla. Su actitud era calmada y serena.

    Al darse cuenta de la presencia de alguien más, volteó lentamente y al verlo le sonrió. Gersiel, se aproximó lentamente a donde se encontraba ella:

    -¿Qué haces aquí tan sola? ¿Pasó algo con Ronny? – preguntó preocupado, ya que ella no era de las que se apartaba fácilmente de su protegido.

    -¡No! No ha pasado nada con él. Está allí. – Dijo ella mirando por encima de su hombro. Su antiguo maestro miró hacia donde apuntaba ella con la vista y pudo ver que el muchacho estaba sentado, recostado contra el árbol. Desde donde estaba no alcanzaba verlo completo, pero sí los mechones de su llamativo cabello rojo. – Y tú…¿por qué estás aquí?

    Gersiel se aproximó a su lado y se sentó en la grama mientras dejaba escapar un suspiro antes de contestar

    -Estoy buscando a Kyrsiel desde hace un buen rato y no lo consigo. ¡Hasta dejó a Midori sin protección! – dijo con frustración

    -¡Ja,ja, ja! Ha estado aquí con Ronny desde hace una hora más o menos. – respondió divertida por la actitud de su maestro.

    -¿Qué? – dijo él sorprendido mientras se apoyaba en el suelo con una mano para mirar hacia atrás del árbol donde vio a ambos muchachos recostados contra el mismo, profundamente dormidos.
    -Kyrsiel iba camino a casa de Midori, cuando se encontró con Ronny, quien había tenido una discusión con su padre. Le pidió que lo acompañara a caminar un rato. Compraron una pizza y vinieron hasta acá porque querían ver el atardecer.

    Gersiel estaba sorprendido –Lo menos que pensé es que pudiera estar acompañando a Ronny – dijo para sí mismo.

    -Ellos se han hecho buenos amigos. Ronny le confió toda su preocupación y molestia por el inconveniente. ¡No es persona de compartir sus cosas con nadie! Kyrsiel por su parte, lo escuchó sin molestarlo ni juzgarlo. Creo que entendió que Ronny sólo necesitaba de alguien que lo escuchara. Es un joven bastante noble – dijo la antigua alumna mientras miraba el cielo que ya se empezaba a teñir de colores naranjas.

    Gersiel no pudo evitar sentirse orgulloso de su alumno. Kyrsiel parecía estar entendiendo lo importante que era su rol como ángel. Miró al cielo y se quedó pensando un rato.

    -¿Sabes? No sé por qué pero esto me da la impresión de haberlo vivido antes.

    Mitharael, volteó a mirarlo antes de agregar – Justo estaba pensando en eso. Como si ya hubiera estado en este lugar, bajo este atardecer conversando contigo.

    Se quedó callada un rato y miró las cuerdas a ambos lados del columpio -¿Crees que en alguna de mis vidas anteriores haya disfrutado jugar en uno de estos? – dijo como una niña alegre con la idea.

    -¡Tal vez! Y si no…-contestó Gersiel levantándose para colocarse detrás de ella – Esta es la oportunidad.

    Mitharael se quedó sorprendida por la iniciativa de su antiguo maestro y le preguntó:
    -¿Crees que es correcto? Me refiero a que ambos estamos en trabajo y….
    -Tu protegido y mi alumno están a escasos metros de nosotros profundamente dormidos…¡no harán travesuras por un rato!

    Tomó las cuerdas a ambos lados y las haló en su dirección para luego empujarlas haciendo que el columpio de moviera y logrando con cada nuevo balance que ganara más altura.
    -¡Oye, esto es divertido! ¡Tenemos que pedir que instalen algunos en los jardines celestiales! –dijo Mitharael entre risas.

    Gersiel la veía feliz mientras sonreía. Al verla contra los colores cálidos del atardecer, se puso serio de inmediato mientras pensaba:
    -¿Por qué tengo la idea de que esto ya había pasado?

    ¡Hasta el siguiente artículo!

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    Happy Friday!

    After a week of intense work, it's time to take a well-deserved break.

    So, I'm going to share something lighter with you, like this pair of angels taking a little break after their tireless work.

    Let's start with the story:

    Gersiel had been looking for Kyrsiel for a while. He couldn't find him anywhere. He thought he was with Midori, but upon searching for her, he realized that Tony's angel was the one taking care of her as both of them were at home.

    This had made Gersiel furious, as it was clear that Kyrsiel was being irresponsible with his duties by leaving the care of his charge to another angel.

    After searching the places he frequented and not finding him, he headed to the last place where he thought he might find him.

    He arrived at a kind of lookout point. It was at the top of a hill. From there, the entire city could be seen perfectly. It was a place with very short grass, and only one tree grew at the summit.

    Midori and Kyrsiel used to go to that place to talk, have a picnic, or simply, Kyrsiel was there as Midori's angel, keeping her company when she wanted to be alone and went to that secluded place to think.

    It was sunset when Gersiel arrived at the site. He looked around and didn't see anyone. Suddenly, he noticed that there was someone on the makeshift swing they had attached to one of the branches of the leafy tree.

    The angel approached cautiously and was surprised to find that it was Mitharael, his former student.

    She was sitting on the wooden seat, holding the ropes that were tied to both sides of the board. Her demeanor was calm and serene.

    Upon realizing the presence of someone else, she turned slowly and smiled upon seeing him. Gersiel approached her slowly:

    -Why are you here all alone? Did something happen with Ronny?- he asked, concerned, as she wasn't one to easily leave her charge.

    -No! Nothing happened to him. He's right there,- she said, looking over her shoulder. Her former teacher looked to where she was pointing and could see the boy sitting, leaning against the tree. From where he was, he couldn't see him completely, but he could see the strands of his striking red hair. -And you… why are you here?

    Gersiel approached her side and sat on the grass, letting out a sigh before answering, -I've been looking for Kyrsiel for a while and can't find him. He even left Midori unprotected!- he said, frustrated.

    -Haha! He's been here with Ronny for about an hour or so,- she responded, amused by her teacher's attitude.

    -What?" he said, surprised, as he leaned on the ground with one hand to look behind the tree, where he saw both boys lying against it, deeply asleep. -Kyrsiel was on his way to Midori's house when he ran into Ronny, who had had an argument with his father. He asked him to accompany him for a walk. They bought a pizza and came here because they wanted to see the sunset.

    Gersiel was surprised. -The least I thought was that he could be accompanying Ronny,- he said to himself.

    -They have become good friends. Ronny confided all his concern and annoyance about the incident. He's not someone who shares his things with anyone! Kyrsiel, for his part, listened to him without bothering or judging him. I think he understood that Ronny just needed someone to listen to him. He's a very noble young man,- said the former student as she looked at the sky, which was beginning to be tinged with orange colors.

    Gersiel couldn't help but feel proud of his student. Kyrsiel seemed to be understanding how important his role as an angel was. He looked at the sky and thought for a while.

    -You know? I don't know why, but this gives me the impression of having experienced this before.

    Mitharael turned to look at him before adding, -I was just thinking the same thing. As if I had already been in this place, under this sunset, talking to you.

    She fell silent for a while and looked at the ropes on both sides of the swing. -Do you think in one of my past lives I enjoyed playing on one of these?- she said, like a joyful child with the idea.

    -Maybe! And if not…- Gersiel answered, getting up to stand behind her. -This is the opportunity.

    Mitharael was surprised by her former teacher's initiative and asked him, -Do you think it's right? I mean, we're both on duty and…

    -Your protected and my student are just a few meters from us, deeply asleep… they won't cause mischief for a while!

    He took the ropes on both sides and pulled them in his direction, then pushed them, causing the swing to move and with each new swing gaining more height.

    -Hey, this is fun! We have to ask for some to be installed in the celestial gardens!- Mitharael said, laughing.

    Gersiel watched her happily while she smiled. Seeing her against the warm colors of the sunset, he immediately became serious as he thought, -Why do I have the idea that this had already happened?

    Until the next article!

    *Disclaimer: *English is not my native language. Even when I have a conversational level, I can make a lot of mistakes in the structure of the sentences. Feel free to kindly correct me. It will help me in my learning process. Thanks for your understanding. **

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