Hello, friends of Lifestyle, today I want to show you how I made my vision board. It's the first time I've made one, and since I saw that several girls have started making their vision board, I saw it as so promising and full of motivation to be able to reach our expectations.
- Ahorro
- Una nueva laptop
- Salud
- Cuidado personal
- Buenas notas
- Mejor concentración en mis actividades universitarias y en labores de aprendizaje
- Tener mi habitación propia
I prepared by defining my goals for this year. Before starting, I took some time to reflect on my short and long term goals. I thought carefully because there are several things I want to accomplish but I already knew more or less what I wanted to do. I made a list of important areas in my life, such as:
- Savings
- A new laptop
- Health
- Personal care
- Good grades
- Better concentration on my university activities and learning tasks
- Having my own room
I used apps and online platforms to create my vision board. Some options I considered were: Canva and Pinterest. I searched for images that resonated with my goals on the internet and selected only those that inspired me.

I made sure that all the images were well distributed on the pink background, creating a harmonious and attractive design.
Creating my virtual vision board was a therapeutic process. It allowed me to clarify my desires and establish a positive focus on the future. Every time I look at it, it reminds me of my goals and motivates me to work towards them.
Las fotos de este blog son de mi propiedad|Las imágenes son editadas en canva|Fotografías tomadas en mi celular infinix Smart 7|El contenido está traducido en el traductor de Firefox.