Un árbol y su amiga la manzana,
en un picnic se encontraban,
descubren que una torta les falta,
la fruta sale a buscarla,
y el árbol se queda cuidando la vianda.
Pasa un globo rojo volando
y el árbol se lanza a agarrarlo,
pero, se va en este enredado
y desaparece entre el cielo azulado,
dejando el picnic solitario.
A tree and its friend the apple,
on a picnic were having a picnic,
discover that a cake is missing,
the fruit goes out to look for it,
and the tree stays looking after the food.
A red balloon flies by
and the tree rushes out to grab it,
but, it goes away in this tangled
and disappears into the blue sky,
leaving the lonely picnic.
La manzana al regresar,
decide ir a su amigo buscar,
con su olfato lo logra ubicar,
en una caja el globo lo vino a dejar
y sólito, asustado está.
El árbol no sabe caminar,
la manzana lo carga sin dificultad
es una fruta fuerte, lo puede llevar
y los dos se van,
para con el picnic continuar.
The apple on his return,
decides to go to his friend to look for him,
with his sense of smell he manages to locate it,
in a box the balloon came to leave him
and alone, frightened he is.
The tree does not know how to walk,
the apple carries it without difficulty
it's a strong fruit, it can carry it
and the two of them leave,
to continue with the picnic.
Llegan donde está un mantel,
rojo y blanco, bello se ve,
la manzana deja al árbol caer
y lo acomoda bien.
Luego le da torta
y el árbol se emociona,
con satisfacción la devora,
agradeciendo por la amistad grandiosa
que tiene con una manzana fortachona.
They arrive at a tablecloth,
red and white, beautiful it looks,
the apple lets the tree fall
and arranges it nicely.
Then he gives it cake
and the tree is thrilled,
with satisfaction it devours it,
grateful for the great friendship
it has with a sturdy apple