Survey reveals What Kind of Hive posts that Hive Users Read

in voilk •  3 months ago

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    A detailed survey was published yesterday by the OECD to do with the Hive community around what posts people choose to read ,upvote and comment on. As everyone knows the majority of posts are recycled tripe that are churned out to earn rewards and therefore nobody who has any real interesting life of their own would read many posts at all on Hive nowadays. They check in with their posse and go about their business. The crappy posts is not just the case with the newer users. But the older users are more to blame as they have nothing to write about anymore so they say the same thing but in a different way. But these type of posts get voted , well auto voted, and hence the reason any comments are "Nice post" or two word replies like the above to let on that the whole post was read. In fact the study reveals that 98% of posts are just scanned through by the reader and only particular types of posts are read properly. The below are a list of post that are actually read by the Hive user base.

    1. One Hive User Calling Out Another Hive User for misuse of DHF funds on the Hive Blockchain.

    50% of Hive users read these posts
    Rising straight to the top spot are posts when one user goes after another user and calls them out over misuse of Hive funds or some element of skullduggery on their part normally to do with a wallet transaction. These posts are normally long rants that go into detail (with screenshots) about how another Hive account is abusing our community and many comments are made from the various accounts that have skin in the game. The highlighting of a comment and replying in a strong rebuke is all the rage here. The post causes much discussion in the Community and it only ends when one user plays the "mental health " card. A spotlight is cast on the abuser for a couple of weeks and then controversy blows over so the person performing the atrocities gets back to his previous misdemeanors once the heat dies down. Point to note, the accused is never a whale, normally just a small dolphin whose downvotes will not matter. They normally use alt accounts to throw people off the scent but everyone knows.

    2. Hive User Gets A Downvote from A Whale

    (35% of Hive User read these posts.)
    The second most read posts are when a user ( normally a new user ) gets a downvote from a top account and starts ranting in a post about the state of Hive. These posts are normally very long and incoherent with many spelling mistakes. The whale in question explains in the comments around why the legit downvote happened but the user will not take this as a valid reason and chaos ensues. Sometimes the whales just keeps downvoting the user because of shit content or one line posts and this leads the user into a murderous rage. The natural journey for this user is Blurt but they go out fighting with rants and raves all over their wall. On some occasions the downvoted leaves Hive and comes back 2 years later so they think all is forgotten until another downvote is handed out and we go full circle as chaos ensues again which is somewhat hilarious.

    3. Good Looking Ladies Travel Blog

    (98% of male Hive Users Read This post. 2% of females out of spite)
    When a beautiful lady posts a photo of herself in a bikini walking down some beach in Thailand the whole Hive Community gives an old upvote. Good old natural instinct takes over. They never really give a shit what the user is eating or how they got on during their little vaycay but they are here for the photos. Most of the comments are extremely nice, too nice, creepy nice and 50% of these are inviting the hot travel blogger to their homeland hoping that in some alternative universe they would have a chance of having their way with the gorgeously tanned blue eyed extrovert travel babe. A free ticket to Hive-fest normally gets sent to the lovely lady and post upvotes reach between $60 - $150 depending on the level of clothing or lack of thereof. Some male Hive users who are envious of this users rewards have now started to photograph their girlfriends so they can share some of this lucrative bounty. Hive users can see through this charade so the rewards are not as handsome.

    4. Splinterlands Posts Containing Details of Changes to One of Their 250 Different Tokens.

    (5% of Hive User read these posts.95% of Splinterlands in this 5%)
    Splinterlands posts get a lot of attention. Although most of their arguments are done in their Discord channel Mav Chat, some of it spills over onto their posts which garnish quite a tasty readership. When they launch their 250th token to counteract the consequences of its predecessor token,there is a hefty debate with the OG who were millionaires in late 2020 but are not down to their last few tuppences wishing a time machine would bring them back to selling their alpha cards at their peak.

    5. New Launches Where There Is An Airdrop for Hive Users.

    (85% of Hive Users Read This)
    Airdrop season is at its peak in crypto but Hive is where it all started. Sure wasn't it a fork from Steem that we were all given the same amount of Hive back in the day. Since then the airdrops are few and far between and it is mostly Splinterlands who airdrop things like GLX , COLONY , SCRIPT and the like. But when there are any tokens around to be airdropped the Hive Community is quick to declare their support for the project as long as they get free stuff. We will big up any project even when we know in our heart of hearts it is the biggest scam ever. BUT ITS OUR SCAM!!! UPVOTE. You get a couple of naysayers predicting the future but they keep their mouth stumm for fear they will be banned from the airdrop .

    6. Hive Users in Warzones.

    (70% of Hive users read these posts)
    Hive users love an old war post. And rightly reward the author for their experiences of living in a war torn county. These posts are very interesting and are more to the point of what Hive was built to be like. However the author has to be careful as too many war diary posts can be seen as negative so there is a thin red line (no pun intended) on what's good and what's bad. Some of the die hard accounts have seriously considered moving to these countries to finally get some exposure and decent rewards to build their brand but a @botswanahive.sports in the middle of Mariupol does no help to anybody .

    And the smaller survey votes that account for "Other"

    New Shadows about the place (10% of Hive users)
    Some users read the posts of users that post a new shadow they have seen. This interests the Hive user immensely as it is mostly made up of dull old men that like things like shadows, pegs on washing line etiquette and photos of flies.

    Hopium Posts (10% of Hive users)
    Johnny a shelf stacker in Sainsbury's is adamant that Hive is going to the moon because we are all a great bunch of lads and we have so many projects in the pipeline. Ask Johnny to name these projects and he will swiftly change the subject. People love these posts. Love them.

    Posts about how much crypto the user has accumulated that month (10% of Hive users)
    There is nothing Hive users love more than a whale giving us the lowdown about how they purchased 1000 Rift watcher packs and only managed to be rewarded 50,000 HP over the last month due to illness while lying on a hammock in the Maldives. Most Hive users cannot afford a Riftwatcher pack let alone 1000 so there is considerable envy while reading a post. Post entitled "Monthly Check In" or "Monthly Report Card" are a popular post on Hive so that users can go in and hate the person even more each month for their little wealth bragging post. Most of the comments are from fellow whales comparing their own stash in a narcissist keeping up with the Jones type praise such has "I only got 1200 Riftwatcher packs myself :-( . A dagger to the heart in a comment.

    Thoughts Posts (10% of Hive users)
    The Hive readership cannot wait to hear the random thoughts of another user in what their "Thoughts" posts where users ramble on about different things. One thing is not enough content to make a post. So a couple of random things is hard to tag with a name. So a good ramble about random things for Hive rewards is known as "Thoughts". It is for the Hive user that needs to get his post quota in for the week and this is the last chance saloon to achieve it.These posts come with no comments whatsoever.

    So that concludes our survey. The results conclude that we are one of the most boringest blockchains around. Slow and steady wins the race. We are so boring that if there is any bit of controversy then we are all over it but if this results in any downvotes then we will run for the hills until the next controversy is made public.

    It also proves that the blockchain as a whole need to get out more and do some life experiences.

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