Splinterlands Statistics v0.18.0 - Add glint as season rewards

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Splinterlands Statistics.png


    In preparation for the next season glint is added to the season monitoring.
    It captures the glint earned from ranked battles and stores it for that specific season.

    For the hive blog generation the earned and spend glint added. As well as the purchased draws and its result is added to the blog.

    How to manuals:

    How to use on windows with docker
    How to deploy on Synology nas

    Demo environment

    This demo environment showcases the possibilities. It is in read-only mode and only for demo purposes. The intention is to run the tool on your own machine or server.
    This way i can keep it free to use for everybody.

    Previous posts/releases:

    v0.17.1 - Add Ability filter
    v0.16.0 - Unclaimed SPS balance history SPL API update
    v0.15.1 - SPL battle history API changed
    v0.14.2 - Balance history and battle API updated
    v0.13.0 - Battle view home team now in reverse order
    v0.12.1 - Update losing page
    v0.11.1 - Add land monitoring
    v0.10.0 - Portfolio: land update
    v0.9.1 - Fix rebellion pack values
    v0.8.0 - Auto process season in server mode
    v0.7.0 - Server/read only mode incl. how-to deploy on synology nas
    v0.6.0 - Card overview + Nemesis expansion
    v0.5.0 - Portfolio card edition and sps overview
    v0.4.0 - Show categories in portfolio overview including history
    v0.3.1 - Add generate hive blog
    v0.2.0 - Add filter and sort options to home page
    v0.1.0 - First implementation Splinterlands Statistics V2
    Last "Old" Splinterstats tool V1

    Main features of this splinterlands statistics tools are:

    • Battle history (Main page)
      • View most used cards or best performing cards based on you filter settings
    • Losing
      • View which card you lost most against
    • Season
      • View your season results battle statistics
      • View your season earnings
      • Generate hive blog of last season
    • Card
      • View specific card statistics
    • Portfolio
      • View your investment and asset values
      • View categories, CARDS/SPS/DEC/.. etc, at an certain time in history
      • View edition values and bcx count
      • View SPS (including staked SPS) value and quantity
    • Nemesis (fun statistics)
      • Select enemy and view some battle statistics
      • View your overall nemesis
    • Rating:
      • View daily win rate modern and wild
      • View rating over time
    • Land
      • View received resources on harvest
      • Cumulation of resources over time
      • View received resources via tax collection for castles and keeps

    What is new...

    • Add glint as season rewards
    • Adjust hive blog generation with glints and reward draws

    Elaborate on the new features

    Glint as season earnings

    Glint now shown in the season rewards overview.


    Als normally in all graphs you can zoom into a specific part with drag and drop. Tip double click in the graph reset the graph.


    Glint and reward draws in hive blog

    Earning and cost table are update in the hive blog post.

    SPS staking reward 18.911
    SPS ranked battle (modern) 23.443
    SPS ranked battle (wild) 15.981
    SPS nightmare (TD) 0.224
    VOUCHER earned 2.116
    GLINT earned 3148.0

    GLINT rewards draws -2500.0

    The drawings are also mentioned how many drawing you have bought and which card you earned with it:

    Draws purchased

    Initiate: 1x
    Adept: 0x
    Veteran: 0x
    Elite: 1x
    Master: 0x

    Cards earned

    bcx: 1

    bcx: 1

    Showcase some other features...

    Main page

    In this page you can find your most use best performance units or summoners when click on one you will go to the specific card overview. You can define you filters to specify your search.
    For example if you would like to show your best performing unit with the standard ruleset with minimal 10 battles played in modern format.



    In this page the cards you have been losing most against. Also with the desired filtering options


    Specific card overview

    On this new page you can select you account and a specific card.
    Note: only cards can be selected since the battles recording via this tool.

    On the top an generic overview of the selected card.

    Then with which card it is most paired with summoners and units

    After that the most lost against cards with summoner and units are presented


    On this page you can find information about who you lost most against. And when an certain player is selected you will get an result of the last played matched against that player and some stats.

    In the end of the page there is still the overval nemesis, the most lost battles against an player


    Daily battle statistics:
    In my case modern are played by myself and wild by xbot.




    or view all of the accounts at once:


    Season result tracking

    Seasonal battle statistics:


    Summarized seasonal earning:


    Generate hive blog post about you last season:

    Portfolio tracking

    Tracking your complete portfolio value and view how your editions are valued:



    Or view specific editions like riftwatchers compared to chaos:


    View you staked SPS value over time and zoom in:


    What is next...

    • Create better message when season result are not claimed yet, e.g. card iso text.
    • Write how to deploy on cloud environment
    • Show cards that are not used or almost never used.
    • Make icons for navigation bar

    How to use splinterlands statistics

    ⚠️When this tool is used for the first time and you are collecting seasonal data it has to retrieve all historical data. This can take a very long time, depending on how long you have played the game and how many transaction are done. Especially when an renting bot is used it probably has many small DEC transactions.

    With executable

    With Docker

    docker pull gamerbeaker/splinterlands-statistics:latest
    latest can also be replaced by an release tag those can be found here:

    Command line options:

      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -d, --debug           Enable debug mode
      -l {WARN,ERR,DEBUG,INFO}, --log-level {WARN,ERR,DEBUG,INFO} Set log level
      -s, --server-mode     Enable server mode
      -st STORE, --store STORE Specify a store
      -ro, --read-only      Read only

    Create an directory where to store the files, in this example C:\Temp or \temp

    Windows (docker):

    docker run --rm -it -v C:\Temp:/app/store -p 8050:8050 --name splinterlands-statistics gamerbeaker/splinterlands-statistics:latest
    For server mode
    docker run --rm -it -v C:\Temp:/app/store -p 8050:8050 --name splinterlands-statistics gamerbeaker/splinterlands-statistics:latest -s

    Linux (docker):

    docker run --rm -it -v \tmp:/app/store -p 8050:8050 --name splinterlands-statistics gamerbeaker/splinterlands-statistics:latest
    For server mode
    docker run --rm -it -v \tmp:/app/store -p 8050:8050 --name splinterlands-statistics gamerbeaker/splinterlands-statistics:latest -s

    With python development or local execution

    Download source and unpack, source link.
    Use python 3.8 or higher.
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    python src/main.py

    When installing on a window machine and encounter this error message:
    scrypt-1.2.1/libcperciva/crypto/crypto_aes.c(6): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'openssl/aes.h': No such file or directory
    Then install Win64 OpenSSL (not the light version)


    This is an hobby project that I do in my spare time.

    • I love to dive into data for a game I love to play. In the future hope to see some improvements in my playstyle because of the data analysis.
    • Secondly practice my programming skills and keep it up to date.

    In the future I will try to migrate data with newer updates but expect that sometimes you got to start over with collecting data, I cannot/will not make any promises. I just add stuff I like to view and hope others can appreciate it.

    Big caveat, not sure yet how it will perform with large datasets.

    Everybody can start using this, since it is a new project expect some crashes or things that are not working for your situation.
    As normal when you run into problems send me a message and I will try to help solving the issue.

    Any suggestions/remarks/improvements or bugs please leave a comment or send me a message

    That's all for this week hope you enjoyed reading and all start tracking data to get more insights.
    See you all on the battlefield.

    Not a splinterlands player yet, consider using my referral link.

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