in voilk •  4 months ago

    Many people have their opinions about life. Some call it a mystery, others the best teacher, some say life gives a test before a lesson, others say life is willing to repeat a lesson taught if one is not ready to learn from it. Life, for a certainty, is all the definitions it gets.

    Life is really unpredictable and unexplainable. People many at times tend to ponder the existence of life and how things continue to unfold. Some doubt the existence of a creator, they wonder why so much suffering abounds when there is one who really cares. Many others believe strongly in the existence of a supreme being, the maker of everything. Many others believe in an afterlife whereas others stand to disagree. To them life is like the gathering of people for the purchase and sale of merchandise, and who tend to go back once their commercial demands are met.

    Just like a teacher, life is there to make us comprehend, by and by. It inculcates through experiences and stages of life. As we grow we understand how things work. These stages affect our reasonings, our relationship with others, our likes and dislikes, our priorities and especially the choices we make. Many have learnt from the mistakes they made, while others learn from the mistakes of others. Sadly, many people have persisted on a wrong course even after countless errors, they refuse to let life teach them.

    The journey of life have been easy for some, but for others it has been filled with ups and downs. As presented by the poet Gbemisola Adeoti in his poem 'Ambush', they tend to experience obstacles and challenges which draws them away from completing their journey, or better still make it to a reasonable distance.

    Writing on the journey of life, I examined how life for many starts on an easy trail but as the journey keeps getting farther, the challenges never seized to present itself. In this septet, pay close attention to how life for some had advanced.

    There was a time
    When your tears explain your need
    When you cry and sob for a feed
    When your hassle was given a dime

    Growing up amongst those you loved
    A group your problem strive to solve
    Who placed strict rules with conditions
    When you expected solutions, but to take decisions

    When your worries were never anxiety
    When you've not seen the real society
    Like a bird in the owner's cage
    You were free from the hunter's rage

    You past your teens,
    And believed the world has seen
    Assured, you've learnt to stand
    When none had offered a hand

    You set out for independence
    All alone with virtue diligence
    Struggling in chains, in fetter
    Hoping it would be better

    But, the time is never anti-clockwise
    To make a difference you should strive
    For the world is configured for the wise to survive
    Small or great, be wise not size.

    As your eye signals the journey is made
    On your travel to choose a way to follow
    Brightening your better tomorrow
    Bear in mind, the journey lies ahead.


    Life no matter how complicated it could be, is very easy from infancy. Children, very precious they are. Starting from their existence, they know little or nothing about life. All they could provide is their cries for attention. As gifts they are, their demands are met and on the other hand demanded nothing in return. Definitely, children are given proper care and attention.

    Change, they say is the only constant. These children would never remain infants for eternity. They'll reach adolescent age for sure, meet their peers, make friends in the neighborhood, at schools, meet other children with different views of life, who could influence them into thinking they are old enough to make choices for themselves. But just like a bird in the cage, with intentions to fly away to the free world but whose needs are met even as they are restricted, these young ones know nothing about the protections they get being in the shadows of their parents or guardians.

    Life will continue to advance, and those who less were expected from would grow into people ready to accept responsibilities. Sometimes, not because they are eager to, but because the situations that presented itself demands they do. This reminds me of the saying of the great Abraham Lincoln who said and I quote "You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today". The earlier people rise up to their responsibilities, the better.

    To many, taking up responsibilities are easy, maybe because the waves had already been kept still by a predecessor or some other reasons. But for some, it's like walking on a field full of landmines, like a bush full of thorns. These people had to struggle, exerting themselves no matter how cramped, with the hope of making a change, for themselves and those to come. Many fall away in fear, whereas others succeed on the long run.

    Life's journey continues, it's a journey of surprises. With time with a partner, with time with potential successors. Some others decide to walk alone. It all boils down to making the right choices, being determined to keep going, knowing when to stop, when to get some rest and when to keep going. Success is assured, you'll reach your destination. Just make sure to take the right route.

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