Medusa Drawing | Splinterlands Fanart

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hey beautiful people of Splinterlands community...

    Today I'm here with a beautiful drawing of Medusa, who has very scary appearance.

    I'm glad medusa is just a fiction character otherwise people like me with rabbit heart would easily die just by imagining her 😆

    My today's drawing is very beautiful, so let's start it...


    For making this drawing first i have made outlining which i have divided into three halves, in first half i have made face of Medusa and added details like eyes and nose in the sketch.

    In second half i have made snakes on the head of medusa, making these deadly snakes were kind of tricky but still ended up with fine results.

    In third half i have managed to conplete full sketch of the medusa with her scary snakes. And also the other parts of medusa's body.
    Here's the final sketch 👇

    After that i have moved towards the coloring process, first i have added colors to the skin of medusa and also to its eyes.

    Next i have used green pointer to make the snakes on the head of medusa. These snakes can be filled with 2 primary colors, green and a shade of blue. First I'm filling green here.

    Now I'm going to add a blink of blue color to give it a realistic look.

    In last step i have made heads of the snakes in the drawing and here's the final look of this drawing.

    Hope you like the overall look of this drawing, do share your feedbacks in the comments section below

    Stay tuned stay blessed
    Allah Hafiz 😊

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