In April Betman had a hard design job which prevented larger losses at BetScorum platform. That job is not over yet, and there are new ones coming…
After the disastrous start of 2021 and another negative betting result in March (save of a big El Clasico win), Betman made a serious turn towards chess. Why? Where else you can sit in silence for over three hours with a beautiful woman?

WGM & IM Tania Sachdev
Yes, that takes a bit of chess practice, and that is the reason why Betman is lacking time to put the odds for those boring football games. As a matter of fact, chess tournaments brought in April more crypto to Betman than BetScorum odds!

SCR still keeps over one cent, but it is still far away from the successful cryptos… You know, like Doge… (BTW, Betman still thinks it should be pronounced like ‘Doggycoin’)
Anyway, April was a month with an exceptionally low investments. All the gamblers left the platform leaving only members who would just talk about some sports. Sad… Betman records only 679.27 SCR, which is barely a third of the March amount. As a consolation, Betman had a minimal profit in April. 142.41 SCR is sooooooo 2018. At least, ROI was at the decent +20.97%, which shows once again that there is nothing in the whole wide World that cannot be beautified by statistics…
OK, Betman is aware that nobody is going to bet on boring football at this platform, and he leaves today’s odds just as a way to say farewell…

And good luck if you, by some mistake, jump at it!

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