Film review/ recommendation :MY NAME

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Hello everyone....hope we're all doing great.This is actually my first time of posting here I hope I'm welcomed.Have actually been looking for a community like this and I'm glad I found it at last.


    I will be doing a review on the movie I watched last weekend Tittled (MY NAME)..
    it's a Korean seasonal movie with only one season and 8 episodes. Although I'm not really a fan of Kdramas , but I won't lie to you this movie is awesome..I learnt a lot while watching this movie . The roles of each characters were perfectly executed. Have you ever been in a situation that the very thing you held up to so dearly as the truth was actually a lie ?..
    The movie centers slightly on LOVE,TRUST , BETRAYAL and tells a story about a girl who grew up with the father,but due to the nature of her father's work ,she had to stay alone most times...Running for her life was her everyday routine due to the constant chasing my unknown men. Rumor spread that the father belonged to a very prominent Gang group /drug dealers in that town Which might had made her a target to get the father by other drug lords. Despite the father's tight schedules he never stopped loving the daughter ...
    one faithful day he decided to visit his daughter since it was her birthday..but was killed at his door post while preventing the Assassin from harming the daughter who was inside the house...
    Bent on finding her father's killers and getting revenge for his untimely death. She went on to join the supposed gang group her father belonged and vowed to kill those who were behind his death.Due to her determination she became one of the best gang members and executed the groups plans accurately.
    After few years she joined the police force changing her name and her identity with the intentions of investigating and finding out the killers of her father ,she was also used as a spy for the gang...since she was made to believe that her father's killer's were police the cause of this Undercover work she got attracted to one of her colleague who promised help her find her father's killers...but on the long run she got to discover so many hidden things .. she found out that her father was never a gang member but a police officer who was assigned to the gang as a spy.. He had left a later narrating everything about his work to her..with confusion and curiosity she went extra miles in investigating and later discovered that the gang which she had sacrificed virtually everything for, which was the same gang her father was working as a spy,were the people who killed him after the had discovered he was a spy...This was the part that really got me ...she was made to believe that the dad was killed by a cop not knowing the gang she joined in other to seek revenge were the actual killers of her dad..

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    What would you have done if it were to be you? other not to spoil the fun of the movie I will allow you to discover for yourself what she did next after the shocking exposure....feel free to share your opinions in the comments session and stay tuned for other interesting movie recommendations/reviews.
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