It's Not Just A Family Drama.

in voilk •  4 months ago


    "Give it back and go back to your room."

    "Wait... what?"

    "I said give it back and..."

    "Come on, Ann, that's not what I meant. I heard you clearly. But why would I want to go back to my room?" asked David, smiling at his sister, Ann.

    "That's because I said so." Ann replied with her hands stretched. "Now, drop it on my palm," she added.

    "Oh, goodness. This is interesting. What do you think you are doing?" David asked with more smiles.

    Closing her eyes deeply, Ann inhaled deeply before opening her eyes. "I don't have time for your shenanigans, David, give back my lipstick. People will troop in soon."

    "Yeah, I know... but what I don't get is why you decided to do this in an African home. Your...parents... house." David asked with a sigh.

    Biting gently on her lips, Ann stood her ground. "I have nothing to explain to you and stop that smile of yours. It is disturbing!" Ann gritted out.

    Haha... haha!

    "What a nice way to put it. Since I don't deserve an explanation, I am sure there are two people who will when they get back."

    Darting her eyes back and forth, Ann gulped loudly, "I...I can handle them." She replied, puffing out her chest, which earned more laughs from David's lips.

    Rolling her eyes, she pulled her hands forward again. "Now, give it back! That's a new edition of lipstick from Beyonce."

    "Oh, I guess her music All the single ladies must have gotten into your head with all these you are wearing. I wish you..."

    "Gurl! Geez, you are hot!" screamed Rachel, Ann's best friend.

    "So, you are also in this. Shouldn't you be the one talking her out of the mistake she's trying to make? It is not too late to choose another location and be back before noon! Why have you decided to make her life miserable?" David asked Rachel, drawing daggers with his eyes movement.

    "Calm down, Mr. Goody pants. A little fun time won't hurt. If you are not interested, just walk into your room and put on headphones. I can lend you mine if you want." Replied Rachel.


    "This is getting more interesting every minute. You do realize she's an African, right? And this is an African home." David asked.

    "I am sure my two eyes are doing their work perfectly. Now, if you'd excuse us, time, sadly, isn't by our side." Rachel replied again.

    "I hope I don't use the statement, I told you so, However, I'd like some of the snacks you baked, and I'll return your new edition of..."

    "Shut up! Gurl! That's Beyonce, right? geez, I have been trying to get that on my lips. I'll rub off mine. Please give me some." Rachel shrieked out, cutting off David's speech again.

    Dropping off the lipstick on his sister's palm, David gazed at her look once more. A shiny blue crop top hugged her chest with an unreasonable short black skirt coupled with black heels.

    Shaking his head, he stared at Rachel, who was more interested in what was in his sister's palm like it was some sort of god meant to be worshiped.

    ...and then, he stared back at Ann before walking straight to the kitchen.

    "Hmm, what do we have here..." David said while getting a tissue to pick up some doughnuts and baked biscuits.

    "She did plan this well. A nice way to get her butt on fire." He added with a smile.

    "Talking to yourself again." Ann chirped, closing in on David.

    "And still I am..."

    "What's up, girls!" Let the party begin! Entered some guys and girls, cutting David's sentence short.

    Rolling his eyes, David made a turn toward his room, blocking off the sound from people's lips and the one that later came out of the speakers as he started eating.

    Holding gently on his forehead, he decided to concentrate on his science project due in a few days.


    Minutes painstakingly turned to hours as David worked on his project. However, for Ann, it seems time decided to join the bullet train association with how it moved. She was having fun, no doubt! This is her first party after turning 18 years old. She is a full-fledged adult now and can make her decisions without care.

    Gulping down a cup of whiskey missed together for the party, she felt her eyes slowly moving like time had decided to go in slow motion. The light was shining and looked so inviting, and her body seemed to be pumped with countless energy.

    "Whoo!!!" she screamed. Marching toward the dance hall to meet her friends.

    Waist rocking side by side, she walked as elegantly as she could with a dance as she pushed into the crowd with a happy dance. However, she didn't get far when a stone suddenly showed its way on her path.

    "Ouch!" she screamed, touching her forehead which just hit the wall, but before she could stand well and reprimand the wall from standing in her way, the wall opened and she staggered into what looks like her brother's room.

    "Hmm, that's weird. How did she find herself here? The dance floor. I am supposed to be there!" She mumbled. "But why is the floor talking to her! What is it saying?" She asked, holding her head.

    "I said, snap out of it!" David replied before pushing his sister's weight off him.

    He had heard someone close to his door and had opened but found himself on the floor when his sister tripped on him.

    "Geez! You smell like a bad egg! I don't want that in my room, go out to your party, big...girl!" David remarked, staring at his sister talking strangely to the wall.

    Shaking his head, he picked her up and pushed her to his toilet before holding her head in the toilet bowl where she threw up continuously.

    "Yes, throw up more and get yourself back. You need your full sense to explain to Mom and Dad why you've decided to go rogue in an African home." David said, still holding his sister's hair.

    And just as she finished throwing up, the sound of music was cut short as a new voice took over.

    "What is the meaning of this!" screamed the voice, and David needed no one to tell him who had just arrived.

    Ann stood up immediately she heard the voice, and for some reason, she had her senses back. "Oh, no! Mum and Dad are back."

    "Oh, yes! And so is judgment day. You've gotten yourself in a pickle! But you have to go to the kitchen first." David said with a smile.

    "No, why?" Ann asked, fanning her body to stop the new generated sweat on her.

    "Oh, come on! You are an adult now, so you'll need some seasoning on you to make this very interesting." He answered with a bigger smile.

    "Ann! Get down here." Screamed their mother, and David couldn't help the smile that graced his lips at that statement.

    "I hope your adult sense is ready for some responsibilities and your best friend with you." David added. Peeking out his room, he saw his mom with her arms akimbo and legs ajar as she instructed everyone to start cleaning and her dad with a stern look on his face.

    Giggling, he turned toward his sister. "African parents rock, now, go rock the living room with them. I need my space."

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