Sewing Salah Clothes for free for my Muslim for the Festive Celebration.

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hello Friends and Creative needleworkers


    The Salah season is approaching and guess what it is time to do some charitable deeds with my sewing skills even though I didn't plan this or have it in mind but one of my Muslim friends reminded me of how I sewed free clothes for my christian friends at Christmas and if she can be privilege to enjoy that opportunity as well.


    The Muslims ladies are known to wear what we call "Abaya" that are usually embroidered with lovely stones for the Festive Celebration.
    And in all of my sewing adventures I have never sewn one before. I told her that I could sew any clothes for her but not Abaya since the time for celebration is almost at hand and I can't start surfing the internet to learn about how this is done

    Abayas are known to be free flowing dresses very long and down to the floor length; specific and expensive grade of materials are often used to sew Abaya, the Embellishment and style of sewing makes it a unique outfit convenient for Muslims to pray in it. Ladies are expected to be well covered and decently dressed when praying.


    Having looked at the situation of things purchasing a ready made Abaya is really expensive and the cheapest one she can get starts from the range of $16/20k naira. After visiting the market she came back to ask me if there was any design we could make that will be convenient for the Festive season and will be yet cheap. I adviced her about it is important for everyone to work within their budgets and not stress themselves because they want to feel among.


    She bought this navy blue fabric and brought it to me, having looked at the fabric I told her that the fabric has two faces and the two can be sewn while the right side has this designs and a kiss 💋 sign on it I told her that I won't be appropriate for going to the mosque in it


    That is the right and wrong side of the fabric and you can see what I could have made with the right side of I have used that.

    Hence I turned the fabric to the wrong side. The design on the wrong side of the fabric is minimal and with no religiously unacceptable pattern.

    Adding her measurements I processed to make A line dress for her with the intention of creatively embellishing it for her.



    The front neckline eas made in 3.5" width and 3"depth and the back was thesame with but with 1" depth



    Moving on to sew this I was fortunate to find a matching bias at home and used it to turn the neckline.


    Added a turnup to the sleeve.
    And sewed the seamlines.
    With that I sewed a dress for her with some amount not even close to $10. Once can make budget friendly clothes even for festive seasons with very little amount of money that is within ones budge.

    The embellishment will take a bit of time since I have to go purchase the right embroidery stones and ornaments needed for this.
    What do you think about using this as a Salah Outfit.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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