Potting Up Seedlings - by Sunscape

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Many seedlings are out-growing their small seed starting cells. I spent a good amount of time this week potting them up into larger containers to give them room to grow. Our weather is still very cold at night and it may be awhile before the soil warms up enough to put them into the gardens.


    This is my potting bench that's inside my garage. I can fill trays and cell packs without making a mess in the house.


    After filling the trays, I bring them into the kitchen and sit at my table to transplant the seedlings. Once I am done transplanting them they are taken out into the greenhouse.


    I had one last tray in the grow room. I decided to plant the tiny herbs up as well. I had to be very careful as they were so tiny. At least now they have room to grow. If I put them out into the greenhouse in the tiny cell starting tray they would dry out too fast. So far they seem to be doing very well.


    The basil seedlings had all sprouted and were large enough to pot up. I finally have all the shelves in the grow room emptied. Now, I have to check my list to see what needs to be started next. It is still too early for squash plants as they grow too quickly. I know there must be something I need to do, lol.

    I had a nice day this week and while my husband went to the chiropractor I took all the plastic off the porch. We enclose the porch for the winter months. It helps to keep the North wind off the sliding glass door and we don't have to shovel it off to let the dog out.


    The pond had thawed and I got the pump out and hooked that up. Now the water is flowing over the rocks and the birds immediately came to check everything out. I sat on the porch and watched a Robin bathe in the pond. Wow, it felt good to feel like spring had arrived, well at least for a few days.


    The Thanksgiving Cactus had a few blossoms for Easter which was nice to see. Outside, the Daffodils are blooming and when the rain stops I will take some photos. Happy gardening to all.

    Until next time, this is Sunscape
    Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day

    3- sun smile.jpg

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