Nature's beauty - the free ground upon which to live your dream right now

in voilk •  2 months ago

    If I had enough money to be happy and secure, or perhaps to be able to retire and live alive on permanent holiday, then what would I do with my time? Personally I would live on the beach. I would find the most ideal climate conditions and I would enjoy every day has if it were a holiday.


    I would maintain my good health by spending time in the sun, and by improving my cardiovascular condition, as well as my lung strength, by taking vigorous strolls and gentle jogs along the shoreline with the sea water washing up at my feet.


    Oh wait I'm already doing that almost every day for years now. I presume that this implies that I am already living the dream, regardless of my financial situation. In fact about 16 years ago, I had no money and no source of income; and at that time I already retired to the most beautiful shoreline and beach on the continent of Africa, and certainly this beach has remained my ideal holiday lifestyle location for the past 16 years.


    In other words it did not take any extra money or endeavor to live my dream. I simply decided what I wanted to do and then I did it. It took no extra money or hard work. It only took the desire to celebrate life, do what comes naturally, follow my bliss, follow my dream. Life is a dream now and today I have it.


    It was only subsequently to entering my perfect ideal dream life that I then became involved in making money. My dream life is free because all it requires is excellent physical health, very good state of mind and a valuable philosophy of life along with ideal climate conditions all year long.


    The former are internal, that we make for and of ourselves, and the latter is external, which we can acquire with a little search of the map. The rest falls into place naturally.


    So don't waste your time waiting for a better moment or more money to live your ideal life, which is conducive to your physical and mental wellbeing. Live it now today because every day could be the last. If we live every day as if it might be our last, we will certainly celebrate the beauty of life that is already here within our grasp.


    We will do what it takes to find the correct set and setting for our bliss. By set I mean mindset and by setting I mean geographical location. These two things are available almost for free because you can improve your mind by yourself at no cost and you can find a beautiful beach somewhere simply at the cost of a bus ticket or perhaps a train ride. Once you are in your perfect space and time and already feel how beautiful it is to be alive,then you will then begin to feel like a millionaire.


    That's what happened to me. With no money and no job, I already felt like a millionaire, living the life of the one percent because I had fantastic health and one of the most beautiful beaches in the world available to me.

    Strange modern art in the park

    It was while living in that mindset that I stumbled across cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. By teaching myself and making some small investments of capital and large investments of time and creative output, I was able to earn crypto through profit and through hard work, right here on this Hive blockchain publishing platform.


    By spending time almost daily in the outdoor natural environment which is all around me, I simply went from strength to strength. Now six years since my first cryptocurrency investment and my first published blog post on the Hive blockchain, I have grown not only in accumulated wealth of assets but I have also become healthier and happier.


    This was so easy and took very little capital investment to begin with. In other words anyone with no money and with merely the right information can pull themselves up by the bootstraps and climb the ladder of material psychological and spiritual success in a matter of years.


    I hope that wherever you are you can also live your dream and experience what it is like to be on permanent holiday, earning money while lying on the beach enjoying the sun, using a simple smartphone with internet access. That's all it takes.


    Your foundation, however, is a beautiful natural and scenic surrounding with plenty of fresh air and sunshine. These are free and available to all of us. And that is why I will always appreciate nature and the earth with its capacity to nurture us if we find the ideal location. I did not have to travel far from my home town of birth which is 500 kilometers to the west, in order to find this beautiful beach where my dream life on permanent holiday continues to unfold day by day all year long for over 16 years and counting.


    It's all in the mind and in the hands of nature which is all around us. So you have it all already or can easily access all that you need to be healthy wealthy and wise. It's up to you, it's all in your power you can do it. I certainly did and this is just the start. Watching this space and you will see even greater heights reached in the coming year or two.

    Photos my own. Written and published via my mobile device onto the Hive blockchain from the beach on the south coast of Africa.

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