5 minute freewrite 2684 prompt not a trace

in voilk •  4 days ago

    This is my post for #freewriters 2684 prompt not a trace hosted by @mariannewest

    Have you ever sat back in your recliner and your entire body says aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh and then refused to move, this is how I feel every time I come into the house and sit down. I have been cleaning the yard and loaded my truck with trash to take to the dump and now I am waiting for my daughter to help me at the dump, she said she would if I gave her a minute. An hour and a half later we went to the dump but I was not bothered by the wait, this time I needed it.

    Before we left for the dump my husband came home from fishing and he did not have a good day, I knew this before he parked his truck, he showed me it by the way he pulled through the gate. So when he came into the house I knew to be quiet and just listen to what he had to say.


    His first words were, "I prayed for the universe to just take me now, not to give me a stroke but take me out." I sat quietly and let him talk. He said on his first anchoring not one but both anchors drug and he had six rods cast out and before he could get them all in, the lines got together and tangled. He got everything straightened out and moved to another island but another boat wanted to fish where he wanted to fish so he had to find another place to fish. When he anchored and went to cast one of the lines out a knot caught in one of the rod eyes and it broke the line and he lost a new rig. He moved to another island and was fishing when another boat pulled down from him and he saw 2 pompano skip from it. The man in the boat had his wife drive and she ran the boat all over the area where the fish were, he was throwing a tiny bait net trying to catch the pompano, but all he managed to do was scare every fish away from him throwing the net and running his motor.

    big jack
    On his last anchoring there was a huge body of Jacks coming toward him and he was afraid of hooking one so as fast as he could he pulled all 6 of his lines in and when he pulled the bow anchor the boat swung and his stern anchor somehow wrapped around his prop and there was a knot in the rope where it would not let the prop spin to unwrap it, I am sure after several choice words, he finally got it unwrapped., he was still pretty hot when telling me about it so I know it gave him a hard time.

    He caught one pompano for all day fishing.


    All of that put him in a foul mood but the icing on the horrible cake was he could not find his pet lizard. He told me the lizard and he became good buddies today, it would sit on the bulkhead of his boat and he would talk to it and the lizard would look at him while moving its dewlap up and down. I felt brave enough to say something and said "maybe the lizard is hiding on the boat". WHOA, that was the wrong thing to say. He snapped back at me saying he looked the boat over and there is not a trace of the lizard, the universe killed it just like it screwed up my entire day. I knew to say nothing more even though there were plenty of words going through my head.


    Then he tells me when things like that strat happening, he needs to put everything away and come home. I try to tell him that things happen and every day can not be perfect with nothing going wrong. He said yesterday was one of those days when everything went right and he caught fish. I tried to tell him we are going to need to accept the fact that there are more people on the river now and they are going to mess us up more than they used to and shit happens.

    I do not think he heard anything I was saying because he goes on to say, that he did not make the boat come in there and he did not make his anchors drag and he did not make the big jacks show up and he did not make the lizard jump overboard and him not see it. I said no you didn't do any of those things. He says "Exactly, it was the universe, it was out to get me!
    I can't, I just can't.
    photos are mine

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