Battle Mage Challenge: FiveAlive. Strategy, My Battle and Alternative Lineups

in voilk •  3 months ago

    This weeks Battle Mage Challenge is about the FiveAlive rule.

    Splinterlands tells us the following about the FiveAlive rule:

    Up to five Units can be used. 

    Very simple. We have one less slot available in our battle. Like the FabFour rule, this means that we can spend more mana on each unit. For high mana matches here, we can often pick all the super-high mana monsters. Rage is a very typical monster to find in these battles since he is the most expensive unit in terms of mana.


    Incompatible Rules

    FiveAlive is incompatible with FabFour.


    Advantaged Summoners

    No particular summoner has a direct advantage here. However, since we have more mana to spend on each card, it is less of an issue to pick the higher mana summoners too. This means that the Untamed legendary summoners might have a slight boost here.


    Disadvantaged Summoners

    Certainly the two mana summoners and maybe also the three mana summoners are a bit of a waste to pick in this rule, unless it is really low mana.


    Desirable Monsters

    High mana monsters are usually good in this rule:


    My Battle : FiveAlive battle

    Battle configuration
    LeagueModern Diamond Tournament (Mount Mox Modern Diamond Invitational).
    RulesHeavy Hitters, FiveAlive, Unprotected
    SplintersDeath, Earth, Fire, Life

    My Lineup

    In the Unprotected rule I often like to go for Skargore. The reason for that is that Enrage triggers when the units have lost health (not armor), and with Unprotected, this happens right away when they take damage. Unprotected also means that there is no armor to counter the huge hits that we can deal back when our melee units get enraged.

    Here, I went for a classic fire setup, with a dodge tank: Coeurl Lurker, backed up by speed manipulation with Slow and 2x Swiftness.

    Opponent's Lineup

    My opponent's lineup is somewhat similar to mine, except that he has another ranged attacker instead of a tank. This is a very fragile setup, and has to kill my units right away. Otherwise he ends up with ranged attackers in the frontline, and that is certainly not a good situation.


    Battle progress and Result

    The battle starts by Rush Townsend performing his ambush strike. He hits Countesh Sinash, but luckily I have included the Supply Runner who gives 1 extra max health Strengthen, and Sinash survives with one health. Rush then does his second strike, since he has the highest speed, but he hits the Scorch Fiend. Now that my Sinash is enraged, she has the highest speed among the remaning units, and strike and kill the enemy Scorch Fiend.


    Next, the enemy Supply Runner strike my Supply Runner, and mine lands a hit on the Scavo Hireling. Then I have some bad luck, and the enemy Sinash lands her hit on my Sinash. However, now it is my Coeurl Lurker's turn to strike and it kills the Scavo Hireling, leaving the Supply Runner to tank.


    Even if my Supply Runner is enraged, Rush Townsend still has the attack priority, and lands his hit on my Supply Runner and kills it. Then Sinash strikes the Scavo Hireling, and does some Blast damage to my Lurker. That is good for me, since it will now be enraged, getting 6 speed and 6 attack. This is enough to take down the Supply Runner in one strike, and then Rush is placed in front to tank.


    Sinash once again strikes the Scavo, this time killing it. Again, Lurker has enough damage to take down Rush in a single strike, and now the battle is mine. A nice and quick fire splinter battle!


    Alternative lineups


    Conqueror Jacek



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