Good day great minds, trust this writings meets you well and of course I love the way we Hivers made rooting for each other, I can't wait to see you WIN.
As a child growing up I never thought of setting up boundaries having that feeling I might just push away friends from myself, I didn't know later in the future setting boundaries would free or ease down so many unnecessary issues and put gaps on unpleasant people. Hey dear,this write up isn't to push away people coming close to you but wake up call to be mindful and careful especially as a single person (lady or a guy), and creating an environment conducive to nonchalant and ungodly behaviors around me.
Setting boundaries can be challenging yeah, those that don't understand would think you're pushing them away, nah though except you're just been harsh on them using such perspective of boundaries and that's immaturity.
I refuse to accept that wrongly facts that someone must follow trend with what is popular not wanting if it's ungodly or not and if it will later come to hunt you I the future.
One day I took a bold step to set boundaries and I made sure it doesn't hurt anyone eithe4 by approach or by words, I choose to be matured and straightforward, and I told myself that I shouldn't have to tolerate attitudes and things that weren't good for me.
I established boundaries regardless, here are the boundari4i created for myself.
Using unpleasant words like a lustful sort, in describing an opposite sex either as a friend or stranger it's not acceptable. I don't tolerate it because I know how powerful our words are and how it can influence the mind, overtime such languages and lustful approache become accustomed to you and not only you but other clear minded people with you. I'm protective of my emotions.
Unnecessary physical touch like the spanking of opposite sex body especially the sensitive areas when they're not aware, that's not pleasant at all, that's disrespectful, I don't permit these and those who knows me know I don't go along with that, some guys go to the extent of holding a random lady waist under the umbrella of having fun, though a clueless person that don't have boundaries would play along such acts.
- I'm very mindful of the way I dress, right from secondary school days I took this aspect personally, the way you dress is the way you would be addressed if I get that saying right.
Anytime I see a young brightful lad sagging his trousers I feel awful like "how are you comfortable with this" and trust me it is obvious they're really holding up to it not to on the ground. Phew! Unnecessary stress I would say. Am sure to every ladies out there you will take this dressing appropriately personal.
I avoid engaging on discussion relating to sexual activities,when I hear phrase like " we are all adult here" in disguise of saying ungodly and lustful things and will just say to myself" I'm still a rugged christ like child and I will leavethe spot. Not wanting anything to corrupt my soul and mind. Since I know my kind of person.
Staying out at night: this one from childhood I've been practicing it and it's in my bone narrows already, chuckles. I'm use to it, once it's dark I'm suppose to be seeing myself at home no matter what. I decline invitation that requires me to stay all night, either clubs and parties or church activities, yeah that's just me I prefer daytime.
I take my relationship with my creator God Almighty seriously, daily I ask fro guidance and support crowning it his unconditional mercies he's showing we all.
These are few I could put down, setting boundaries I bet can be challenging but regardless for your sake and your sanity be the good soul you want to be and don't let other things or way of life pollute you.