Digital vs Traditional Portfolio

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hi fellow Hiveians,

    Today I wanted to talk about how things fluctuate and how it's going to be interesting when they shift.


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    Digital vs Traditional Portfolio

    I know I've thought a lot about when my crypto assets surpass my "traditional" retirement assets. When will that be, and will it be a good thing?

    Crypto, or more recently digital assets, are certainly things that we know will grow in value over time. Those of us that live in countries like America or Australia, and some others in Europe, we have "retirement" accounts that we also contribute money to, either forcefully or voluntarily. Those retirement accounts have been a secure way to get things ready for your eventual retirement from the working world however these days, that isn't really as much of a sure bet as it used to.

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    I think this is unfortunate because we are in a state of transition in so many ways - where people are desperately trying to get more of the legacy stuff but not really paying a whole lot of attention to the new things that are coming out, and they end up in a conundrum. Spend more time and effort on the old product or try and figure out what the "new" ones are going to be and see if you can get it on that?

    I think that's definitely a pickle that I, and many other people are in. Thankfully I'm a little more prepared, as prepared as one can be I suppose, with the shift over towards digital assets versus the legacy fiat currency. I wonder though, when my digital asset portfolio grows enough in value that it surpasses the "legacy" fiat currency in those retirement accounts, what is that going to feel like? I certainly think that it's going to feel pretty good, in a way but I also am nervous that it will never "feel enough" which is certainly something that I know I struggle with, and it sounds like other people on here like Taraz struggle with that same concept.

    The world economy is definitely a complicated thing, and it's even more complicated when you've got an incredibly strong cadre of people intentionally doing as much as possible to destroy it so that they can pick up the pieces and control it like never before. Is this how it felt in 1900's when the powers that shouldn't be met at Jekyll Island and created the Federal Reserve? They knew that things were going to transpire for them to pick up the pieces and put into place a form of currency that favors them more than anything else.


    I think the big difference there is that people these days have so much more access to others and information, that it has been more difficult than those powers would like it to be. We certainly aren't perfect, because we tend to group together and then fight one another which is definitely taken advantage of by said group of people, but at the same time that is one of our strengths I suppose. We are difficult to get along and this creates chaos, which often ruins plans in unexpected ways.

    A little bit of a tangent there but still relevant, in that the times back in the early 1900's people were in very difficult financial situations, with the Great Depression occurring and the events that ensued after that. I have hope though, because even though there are a lot of nasty people trying to manipulate and coax people in the wrong direction, there are also lots of people trying to do their best to get people in the other direction. I think this is where we are better than where people were at during the Great Depression.

    Some, like Task, believe that we are entering the Age of Abundance. I have mixed feelings on that, knowing that we may be heading in that direction but the big question is when? Will it be when the fiat economy completely falls apart and those retirement assets are worth less than a few bytes on a line of computer code? I think that's quite the doomer mindset but at the same time, between the doom and the glossy shit somewhere in the middle is the truth and where things are really going to occur.

    With how many people are aware of the machinations of the powers that shouldn't be, I don't think they are going to be able to enact the dystopian hellscapes that they want to on the free people of the world. One of the biggest benefits of the internet is that people are able to experience the freedoms that people in America and other countries have, and start to demand those same things for themselves at home. We used to be very disjointed as a species, with ultra local influence and control. That certainly still applies in a lot of ways but with the dystopian aspect, there are far more average people like ourselves than there are people who are trying to disrupt everything and that is in our advantage.


    Just like the winding path, I think that my digital asset portfolio is going to grow in tandem with my traditional portfolio because that's the middle ground that's more likely to occur instead of an abysmal collapse of one and mooning of the other. The path goes down but it also leads back up on the other side of the valley. It is yin and yang, balance. It will get to where it eventually will surpass what I've got in the former to focus on the latter but they will both grow at some rate and I think that's the important thing. We should always diversify ourselves because if we don't then we subject ourselves to vulnerabilities!

    What about you, do you think your digital asset portfolio will grow faster than your traditional one? I am interested to learn what you are planning on doing!

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