in voilk •  4 months ago

    Tipping is giving out something in exchange for a desired favour or goodwill. The exchange can be in monetary or non-monetary form for the good deed or escape to be provided as the case maybe. It is good to know that tipping ought to be a voluntary and optional thing and not of a necessity or done obligatorily or compulsorily, however, the opposite is the order of the day now as tipping is now seen as something normal even for the legal things that shouldn't involve tipping at all. In the public sector, tipping is one of the subtle corrupt practice seen on constant basis hereby crippling the public sector. For example, some civil servants, the contractors, the security agents etc demand for tips even for the normal discharge of their duties which ought not to be. Source

    The reality on ground now is that tipping is now becoming of necessity than of optionality which brings it against the right and original intent and purpose of it been optional and of a free will. Take for example, i have someone close to me who was a pensioner that has serve the nation for good 35 years, however, getting her retirement benefits requires her to tip people who are still in government service in the ministries, department and agencies of government that deals with that. This is what they ought to do as their job been paid for, however, if not tipped, the pensioner file maynot be processed or delayed unnecessarily.

    In addition, i have heared of stories of people been killed by the security agents at road blocks on normal patrol because they refused to tip them ought of their hard earned money not necessarily for any favour, but as a necessity especially in the developing countries here in Africa. On the other side which is on a positive note, i have had experience i gave someone a tip not because he demanded it or because it is obligatory but just out of a free will just like a "token of appreciation" for what the person has done for me without making demand even in the discharge of his duty. Source

    The tipping culture should be looked into critically and treated with a sense of humanity, justice and fairness. No one should demand for tips in the discharge of his or her normal day to day activities which he or she is legally been paid for. Tips should be voluntarily and free will and not obligatory or compulsory. Tipping if not well controlled can lead to a devasting damage and breed corruption. We must put humanity first and be considerate in all we do knowing fully well that "power/position is transient" but a spoiled reputation or character due to tipping may have its negative effects transcend generations. I will counsel that in some extreme cases where tipping is unavoidable based on the high level of indecency there and for the best of the individual involved so as to save life, energy and achieve intended purpose, it may be given.Thank you for reading and comments/contributions are welcomed.

    This is my entry to @Hivelearners weekly featured contents, week 139 edition 03 on "WHEN SHOULD I TIP" Thumbnail designed using Canva.

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