in voilk •  5 months ago

    It will not be an exaggeration if it is said that Western civilization and sexual immorality are synonymous or inseparable. But no sane person seems willing to accept this freedom by nature. Therefore, the pioneers of civilization and civilization have resorted to various means and reasons to distort human nature and turn it into sexed nature. "Valentine's Day" is also a part of these causes.


    What is this "Valentine's Day"?

    Until years ago, there was no concept of celebrating this "Day" in our country, so many commemorative days are celebrated throughout the year and small and large-scale events are held, but obscenity and In order to popularize this "day" dedicated to modesty in Indian society, the defenders of Western values and traditions used trade and industry, so where companies that make cards and make various kinds of gifts (gifts) In order to promote their products to the new generation, they promoted "Valentine's Day" on such a large scale that now every year on 14th February on the occasion of Valentine's Day, schools, colleges, universities, parks and recreational places have "Expressions". You get to see obscene scenes of "Love".


    What is the background or history of Valentine's Day?

    The summary of what the historians have described about this is that in ancient times, the Roman people celebrated one of their goddesses every year on February 14, although there was no mixed education in their schools at that time, but this festival On the occasion, students used to provide an opportunity to commit immoral acts, so the girls used to write their names on the slips and put them in an empty bottle. He used to celebrate this festival with this girl. Once in the 3rd century AD, the Roman emperor killed an army somewhere, but despite several attacks, he had to face failure. After researching, it was found that the Roman soldiers could not gather with their wives and lovers due to drunkenness. , So the king issued a decree forbidding all the priests from marrying military youths, all the priests followed this decree, but a priest named Valentine did not obey it but refused to obey it, so he secretly Continued the series of marriages, but it could not remain a secret for long and it was exposed, Valentine was arrested and charged with disobeying the government and then sentenced to be hanged. . During his imprisonment in the prison, he met the jailer's daughter, who used to visit him in solitary confinement and offer him flowers. Valentine, who was a religious leader, ignored the teachings of his religion and fell in love with this girl. At one point, the king offered to forgive him if he worshiped the Roman gods, but he refused. He refused to do so and insisted on his Christianity, so he was hanged on 14 February 207.


    Because he sacrificed his life for Christianity and refused to convert to any other religion, the Christians gave him the rank of high priest and in return for his steadfastness in Christianity, he married the jailer's daughter. He announced to forgive the mistake of love and love and started to commemorate it every year, so believers send gifts, red flowers and greeting cards to each other on this day. What is being done at this time is in front of the eyes of the world by declaring it as ``Day of Love and Love''.

    If you want more information about related Valentine's Day than watch thisVideo

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