nugBlog #5: March 17, 2024

in voilk •  4 months ago

    🍀 It’s Saint Patrick’s Day!

    But we barely noticed. It’s a lot of work taking care of a little nugget.

    But you are getting bigger and you’re much more social now. A few days ago, you decided to really start testing out your voice. And a few weeks ago, you really started to test out your smiles.

    Smiles and voices together is giggles, and you’re starting to work on those too. We have a few ways to get your first little giggles out. My favourite is to blow onto your belly and make silly noises when I do. Usually you just smile but sometimes there is a short giggle. We’re sure you’ll be laughing very soon.

    It’s not all smiles though. This week has been tough at night, as you’ve been fussy around bedtime. All the changes in your mind and body make it hard to go to sleep. So you will wake up and cry sometimes, but that’s all part of growing up.

    Next week, you will start baby swimming lessons, and we will visit the doctor to see how much you weigh. There are also your vaccinations, which you will probably not like very much but it’s important to do to protect you from sickness. And it is almost Springtime! You have never known the warm weather so we are excited to show you.


    This series of blogs is to catalog the memories, milestones, and reflections of parenthood. Perhaps one day you (the Nug) will be curious to read them! In the meantime, they’re a nice way for Dad to process this whole parenting thing. He’s a writer, so putting words out into the world is relaxing, therapeutic, and fun.

    Images created with a Canva Pro License. Photography is my own.

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