A Tour Of Our Legacy In The Museum: Museo Naga

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Hello hello everyone!!!! Another free day, another blog, it's me again, haruki.tls123, back with a new blog post ❤️!.
    Every city's life has their own legacy and for me, the most crucial memories are built within this legacies. What makes these memories even more special is the role of our museum in preserving them. Our museum stands as a guardian of our city's past, a treasure trove of artifacts and stories that narrate the journey of our ancestors and the evolution of our city.

    As a proud Nagahanon, I am thrilled and excited to take you on a virtual tour of our beloved museum where you'll not only learn about our traditions but also gain a deeper appreciation for the diverse tapestry that makes Nagahanon identity unique. So let's not go more further and let's start the topic!! ❤️❤️


    Our City, Naga City in Cebu has its own public museum called "Museo Naga", a special initiative led by our previous Mayor Kristine Vanessa Chiong. Museo Naga serves as a platform for both Nagahanons and visitors to delve into the city's history, heritage, environment, and evolution over time. Developed in collaboration with Dr. Jocelyn Gerra as the curatorial consultant, Museo Naga is situated on the second floor of the city's historic municipal building. It features three exhibition galleries: Natural History, Naga Heritage and Contemporary Gallery, and the Leader’s Gallery, along with a library and a conference room.


    For me, I've only been inside Museo Naga once, which was last year when I was in grade 11. We were given a tour of what's inside, and even though I'm proud to be a Nagahanon, it's astonishing to realize how much I didn't know and how it broadened my understanding of the beginnings of our area. And for now, I'll take you on a tour inside Museo Naga. Our tour will be random since I've forgotten the sequence of our first visit inside 😭, but I'll ensure to include the important aspects of what's inside this museum in my blog post today.

    • Flora, Fauna, And Old Instruments


    Our first stop on this tour inside Museo Naga is the presentation area, where you'll be immersed in a fascinating display of the city's flora and fauna. This presentation provides a visual journey through the diverse plant life found in Naga City, highlighting its natural beauty and ecological richness.

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    Additionally, there's a collection of old instruments that hold historical significance for our city which has a multimedia presentation featuring the sound of old instruments. This unique exhibit allows you to experience the rich musical heritage of our city through audio representations of traditional and historical instruments. It's a captivating journey into the melodious past of Naga, showcasing the cultural significance and diversity of our musical heritage.

    • Coal Mining



    Next room is the representation of coal and limestone mining in our city during past periods. This exhibit includes a presentation featuring a model of a cart, depictions of people involved in coal mining, and scenes depicting the extraction of stones inside a cave. It offers a glimpse into the historical importance of coal production in shaping the economy and development of our city, showcasing the processes and infrastructure involved in this significant industry of the past. There’s a diorama of it showing its elevations, valleys, hills, river system as well as the coal mines and the limestone areas where the thriving cement industry was founded during the Philippines — American Colonial Period.

    • Train Model And Station



    The third stop on our tour inside Museo Naga is one of my favorites room in this musuem 🤩🚂...

    Choooo choo!!! HAHAHA, here you'll encounter a meticulously detailed scale model of a train that used to operate in our city during the old period. This train model is intricately detailed and visually stunning, showcasing the craftsmanship of historical locomotives.


    Accompanying the train model is a representation of the Naga train station from the old times. This exhibit evokes a sense of nostalgia and takes you on a journey back in time, providing a glimpse into the past era of transportation in our city. The nostalgic atmosphere of it gives you an immersive experience, making you feel like you've stepped into a scene from classic films set in the past era of train travel 😩🎥.

    • The Pottery And Old People



    In the Naga Heritage and Contemporary Gallery, you'll encounter a room where people are depicted making plant pots. This exhibit sheds light on the origins of places like Tinaan, Uling, and Colon in Naga. It also delves into the history of pottery making in the area, highlighting the unfortunate reality that access to the clay source has been sold to a private corporation, leading to the decline of this once-thriving industry, now preserved only in this place with limited various designs.





    As you can see in the photo, wow! The models of people making plant pots are absolutely top-notch. When I first visited and entered this exhibit, I genuinely thought the models holding clay were real people 😭😭😭. It's incredible! Kudos to the creators for their exceptional work! It's truly something to be proud of. Additional, this exhibit addresses a common misconception about people in Colon being labeled as aswangs (mythical ghouls) due to their red eyes. In reality, their eyes turn red from prolonged exposure to the heat of charcoal while making pottery. This clarifies that the belief in "aswangs" in the area is merely a myth, stemming from a misunderstanding of the physical effects of their craft. It's an insightful exploration of local history and culture, dispelling misconceptions and uncovering the truth behind longstanding beliefs.

    • Old-fashioned Clothes


    Next stop, Museo Naga also features a collection of intricately embroidered clothing from the Spanish-American times. These garments offer a window into the colonial era's fashion trends, showcasing the intricate needlework, designs, and materials used during that period. The preserved articles of clothing not only serve as a visual display of historical attire but also tell stories of cultural exchange, social status, and the blending of indigenous and colonial influences in clothing styles. Visitors can appreciate the craftsmanship, attention to detail, and the significance of these garments in representing the diverse cultural heritage of our City during these period.

    • The Hall of Leaders



    The next stop for you guys is the Leaders' Gallery. Here, you'll see the names and portraits of the city's past leaders, like mayors, who did important things for Naga. They made decisions that helped Naga grow and become what it is today. You can read about their work and see how they shaped the city.



    In the gallery, there are also old papers and records from meetings and laws that go back to 1908. These papers withholds about the rules and plans that were made for Naga a long time ago. They also show us how Naga changed when it became a city. Visiting this gallery helps us learn about the history of Naga's leaders and how their decisions affected the city's development.

    • City's Terrain


    In this exhibit, you'll encounter an impressive 3D diorama that presents a panoramic view of the entire city of Naga from a bird's-eye perspective. This diorama is incredibly detailed, giving you the feeling of soaring above the city as if you were looking down from the clouds. It captures the diverse terrain of Naga, from its mountainous areas to its flatlands, providing a comprehensive overview of the city's geographical features 🤩🌎. As you explore the diorama, you'll notice the labeling that identifies different landmarks and areas within Naga. From major streets and districts to prominent landmarks and natural features, the diorama offers a comprehensive visual guide to the city's layout. This immersive experience allows visitors to gain a deeper understanding of our city's geography arrangement, enhancing their appreciation for the city's diverse landscapes and urban planning.

    • Library


    The last stop, and perhaps my favorite one is the library at Museo Naga because yeah, as you already know, I am literally inlove with books 😍📚!

    Visitors to the library can immerse themselves in a wide range of topics, from the city's founding and early beginnings to its significant milestones, cultural traditions, and contemporary developments. The collection includes historical accounts, academic research, literature, art, and more, providing a comprehensive resource for those eager to learn. Moreover, the library serves as a hub for research, education, and community engagement. It offers a quiet retreat for reading, studying, and exploring Naga's heritage at your own pace 💯!

    So yeah, did you like this little tour in our museum? I bet you loved it because I highly recommend visiting Museo Naga for an enriching and memorable experience. The museum's diverse exhibits, from the multimedia presentations to the intricate dioramas and historical galleries, offer a comprehensive journey through Naga's past, culture, and heritage. The detailed representations and informative displays provide valuable insights into the city's evolution, making it a must-visit destination for locals and tourists alike.


    As for me, this tour with my classmates holds a special place in my heart as we approach graduation. I will cherish the memories of discovering Museo Naga's wonders together, and I know that this experience will remain one of the highlights of my senior high school life even though that we will be apart as we graduate and move forward in life 🤞🏻.

    So that's all for now! I hope you enjoyed this little tour through Museo Naga in my blog.

    See you in my next blog everyone 😍❤️!! haruki.tls123 out! sayonara<3 ❤️


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