Not Taking a Position of Authority

in voilk •  4 days ago

    Original Image Source: Asad Photo Maldives- Pexels

    Being a Politician was supposed to be one of the noble profession that provides public service to listen to the needs of people, create and implement laws to ensure the safety of the people and to manage the funds that comes from the people's tax appropriately on projects that would benefit everyone. But then, when politicians got into the position of authority, they also got a taste of money, power and connections which corrupts them and for some, the main reason why they got into politics was not to serve the people but to indulge themselves with money and power or use their position to commit criminal acts without being punished. So if I were to have a chance of taking a powerful position in the government, would I take the opportunity? My answer would be "No" and will explain why on this post.

    Original Image Source: Jesus Monroy Lazcano- Unsplash

    Being in the position of power comes with great responsibility as Uncle Ben once told to Peter Parker but at the same time, it can also corrupt a person and as for me, I can't clearly say that I would not be carried away or get addicted with the power that comes with the position. After all, it is a possibility that is unknown to me and even if for an instance, I was able to get that position and still remains true to my ideals which is to serve the people, it would still be hard to do it if the rest of the system is rotten. I will still be a one man person and even if I try to use every means at my disposal to bring positive chance in my country, there is just very little thing that I can do to ensure that it can implemented properly specially if the rest of the politicians are against to such change cause I sure am that there is at least one politician exist that is not corrupt in my country but we are still far from the promise of an ideal society.

    Also, if you look at the current political structure of the Philippines, you can see that there are some politicians that are not only convicted of a crime but were also been imprisoned and if they were previously convicted of the crime, should be possible for them to do it once again or currently in the middle of doing it without our knowledge and yet the voters are still voting for them whether they think that this people were reformed or they were just bribed. So the problem does not entirely about the corrupt politicians but also with the voters.

    So even when I have the opportunity to hold a powerful position in the government, I will not take such position cause not only I may not able to bring effective positive change, being the human as I am, it will be hard to say that I would not change for the worse. Also, I think that the change should first begin with the voters who would vote politicians not because of money but because they believe they would bring positive change to the society. I think it would also be better to vote for freshman candidates and of the younger generation cause even if they do not have any experience in politics, they do not carry the corruption that the people that currently hold the position has and as for younger generation, they might bring new ideas to the table as they have more grasp with the our society and I guess if that time comes, I would reconsider if I would like to take a government position.

    Thank you for reading my post and see you on the next one!

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