Vegetarianism Vs Veganism - Diet Options & Pros

in voilk •  4 months ago

    This would be among the few difficult to start and conclude content to write, as I am not a Vegan or a Vegetarian. But as a lover of cute animals for pets even though I don't have one yet, I guess I'm qualified to share my knowledge about Vegans and Vegetarians.


    These set of people are interesting to me, especially the Vegans if I am being specific. They are a set of people who have a more conditioned habit of what they eat. The difference between the Vegans and Vegetarians is quite simple but a lot different to those practicing the lifestyle.

    Vegetarianism - What Is a Vegetarian Diet Like?

    Vegetarians are people who don't eat any food products made from meat, fish, shellfish, or some animal by-products. Vegetarianism involves eating mostly vegetables and fruits, some would consume just dairy products, some consume dairy products and eggs, some others eat eggs as their only animal protein.

    People practice vegetarianism for many reasons like health, ethics, environmentalism, and even religion. The love for animals and promoting cruelty-free atmosphere around them are also reasons for some to decide to practice this eating habit.

    Veganism - What Is a Vegan Diet Like?

    Vegans are stricter than vegetarians in their eating habits as they do not eat any food products that come from animals, including dairy products and eggs unlike the vegetarians who do eat dairy products as I've mentioned. People practicing this diet lifestyle do not eat ingredients derived from animal sources, such as honey also.

    Vegans would always prefer their meals to be mostly fruits with small portion of nuts, seeds and some would prefer raw food that is, eating their meals in a raw state. Extensively, veganism isn't just a diet for some who practice it. It also extends to them not patronizing materials derived from animals, such as leather.

    Pros and cons in practicing these diet.


    To everything, there is always the good and bad sides to them. It is same for practicing veganism or vegetarianism, there are lots of pros and a few cons and I'll share a few Pros here.

    Every vegan or vegetarian always consider their nutrition intake and so they go for supplements that would give them whatever they may lack in their diet practices. Because of this, they live very normally like others even as they practice their unique diet lifestyle.

    The vegetarian diet main pros are that it protects against or reduces the risks of diseases related to autoimmunity, the heart diseases, inflammation, Type 2 diabetes and it also helps with weight management.

    The vegan diet main pros are that it can potentially decrease blood pressure, improve the function of the heart, lower risk for overweight and obesity (helps with lose of weight too) and it also helps reduce heart diseases risk.

    One may ask which is healthier, both are healthy for any stage in life but vegan diets are healthier from a few researches with limited evidence though. It is just best to practice these diets while contacting health care providers for guides where possible.

    This is my entry to the Inleo prompt challenge of today with the focus on Vegans, Vegetarian and Cruelty-free and you're invited to join in.


    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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