Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge! - RULESET: Equal Opportunity / バトルメイジ・シークレット ウィークリーチャレンジ - ルールセット: Equal Opportunity

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge!

    Personally, I find Sneak easier to use than Oppotunity, because Sneak can concentrate on attacking until the last enemy is killed, but Oppotunity's targets are blurred by recovery and enemies with less HP, making it hard to calculate.


    But with this rule, everyone gets Oppotunity, so it's strong, like a concentrated attack with a magic Opptunity.




    The fact that Oppotunity is attached to every monster means that the monsters to be targeted are predictable.
    This means that VENARI MARKSRAT will be the top priority everywhere.

    つまり、 VENARI MARKSRAT をどこにおいても最優先で倒されるという事なのです。

    If you look at the battles, you will see that DJINN OSHANNUS and DOCTOR BLIGHT have been enhanced.
    DJINN OSHANNUS can be a magic attacker and evasion tank due to his increased speed.
    DOCTOR BLIGHT has a low magic attack of 1, but Martyr has increased it to 3, and its Camouflage makes it immune to Oppotunity.

    バトルを見てもらうと DJINN OSHANNUS と DOCTOR BLIGHT が強化されているのがわかると思う。
    DJINN OSHANNUS はスピードが上がるため魔法アタッカー兼回避タンクになれる。
    DOCTOR BLIGHT はもともとの魔法攻撃力は1と低いものの、 Martyr による強化で魔法攻撃が3まで上がり、さらにCamouflageによりOppotunityの対象にもならない。

    One more thing. The Mar Toren Seeker at the tail end has both Snipe and Oppotunity abilities, but you see the long-range attack flying at MERDAALI GUARDIAN. This is because Snipe has priority over Oppotunity.

    もう一つ。最後尾の Mar Toren Seeker はSnipeとOppotunityの両方のアビリティをもっているけど、 MERDAALI GUARDIAN に遠距離攻撃が飛んでるのが見えるよね。これはSnipeがOppotunityより優先されるからなので覚えておくといいのです。


    Make sure you remember it! It will be on the exam! It's a lie!🤣


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